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How To Delete Empty Rows In Google Sheets?

Does your Google Sheet have a bunch of empty rows cluttering things up? Maybe you imported data from another source and it left some blank spaces behind. Whatever the reason, getting rid of empty rows help clean up your data to make your spreadsheet easier to work with.

This blog post will walk you through three different methods for deleting empty rows in Google Sheets. We’ll cover quick and easy techniques, as well as some more advanced options that give you more control over the deletion process. Let’s get started!!!

How To Delete Empty Rows In Google Sheets?

Unfortunately, there’s no built-in formula or shortcut key in Google Sheets specifically designed to delete empty rows with a single click. However, Google Sheets offers various techniques that can effectively tackle this issue. You can either delete them manually or use filter conditions to find and remove them quickly. Let’s look at each method to find the best solution for you.

Remove Blank Rows Manually

If you prefer a hands-on approach, you can manually remove blank rows from your Google Sheet. Here’s how:

  • Begin by opening the Google Sheet where you want to remove empty rows.
  • Press and hold the Ctrl button (Cmd on Mac) on your keyboard.
  • While holding the button, use your mouse and left-click on the empty rows you wish to delete.

Select Empty Rows-google sheet delete empty rows

  • Once you’ve selected the desired rows, release the Ctrl button on your keyboard.
  • Right-click on one of the selected rows, then choose “Delete selected rows” from the drop-down menu.

choose Delete selected rows- empty rows in google sheets

That’s it! You’ve successfully removed the blank rows from your Google Sheet manually.

Remove Blank Rows Using Filter

When you’re dealing with large datasets in Google Sheets, manually deleting empty rows can be time-consuming and impractical. That’s where the filter function comes in handy. By utilizing filters, you can quickly isolate and delete empty rows while keeping your data intact. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Choose the range of data from which you want to remove empty rows.
  • Go to the Data tab and select “Create a filter” from the drop-down menu. This action will create a filter, indicated by the filter icon in the header cells.

select Create a filter-remove googlesheet empty rows

  • Click on the Filter icon and select “Clear” to unmark all data under the search bar in the drop-down menu.

select Clear-delete blank rows google sheets

  • Under the search bar, select the “(Blanks)” option and click “OK” to apply the filter.

select the (Blanks)-google sheet delete blank rows

  • Now, you’ll see all the blank empty rows, while the remaining data is hidden.

empty rows-delete extra rows google sheets

  • Now click on the top row and drag the mouse downwards to select all empty rows you want to delete.
  • Once selected, right-click on the highlighted area and choose “Delete selected rows” from the menu. This action will delete all the blank rows you selected.

Delete selected rows-delete blank rows google sheets

  • After deleting the empty rows, click on the same filter icon you selected previously. Then, select “Select all” and click on “ok” to view the previously hidden data.

How To Delete All Empty Rows Using Script In Google Sheets

When dealing with extensive data sets in Google Sheets, manually removing empty rows can become laborious. Fortunately, Google Sheets allows you to streamline this process through scripting. By writing a simple script, you can delete all empty rows, both within and outside your data, saving you valuable time and effort.

Here’s how you can use the script to delete all empty rows in Google Sheets:

  • Start by opening the Google Sheet where you want to delete empty rows.
  • Navigate to the Extensions tab and select “App Script.”

select App Script-delete blank rows in google sheets

  • This action will open a new window where you can write a script to delete empty rows.
  • Now, Paste the following code into the App Script:
function deleteExternalEmptyRows() {

const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();

const data = ss.getDataRange().getValues();

const lastRow = data.length;

const maxRows = ss.getMaxRows();

if (maxRows > lastRow) {

ss.deleteRows(lastRow + 1, maxRows – lastRow);



function deleteInternalEmptyRowsNColumns() {

const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();

const data = ss.getDataRange().getValues();

const lastRow = data.length;

const lastCol = data[0].length;

const emptyColumnIndexes = [];

for (let i = 1; i <= lastCol; i++) {

if (ss.getRange(1, i, lastRow, 1).getValues().flat().join(“”) === “”) {

emptyColumnIndexes.push(i – emptyColumnIndexes.length);



if (emptyColumnIndexes.length > 0) {

emptyColumnIndexes.forEach(ind => ss.deleteColumn(ind));


const newData = ss.getDataRange().getValues().filter((arr) => arr.join(“”) !== “”)

const newLastRow = newData.length;

const newLastCol = newData[0].length;


ss.getRange(1, 1, newLastRow, newLastCol).setValues(newData);



  • Save the file, then run the script by clicking on the “Run” option located next to the “Debug” option.

click on the Run-google sheet remove empty rows

This script allows you to delete all empty rows both outside and inside the data, as well as empty columns within the data.

google sheets delete empty rows

Benefits Of Removing Extra Rows In Google Sheets

Removing extra rows in Google Sheets offers several benefits that contribute to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your spreadsheet management. By tidying up your sheets and eliminating unnecessary rows, you can streamline data analysis, enhance readability, and improve collaboration among team members.

Here are some key benefits of removing extra rows in Google Sheets:

  • Enhanced Data Analysis: With less clutter in your sheets, you can focus better on analyzing data. This simpler approach helps you spot trends and insights faster, leading to smarter decisions.
  • Improved Readability: Clearing out extra rows tidies up your spreadsheet, making it easier for you and your team to find what you need. This reduces mistakes and confusion.
  • Faster Performance: Too many empty rows can slow down Google Sheets, especially with complex data. Getting rid of them speeds up your work and keeps things running smoothly.
  • Optimized Collaboration: A clean sheet makes teamwork smoother. Everyone can find what they’re looking for quickly, making teamwork more efficient.
  • Reduced File Size: Deleting extra rows shrinks your sheet’s file size, handy for sharing or storing files. This keeps your sheets easy to manage and saves space.

Overall, the benefits of removing extra rows in Google Sheets extend beyond just decluttering your workspace. It ultimately leads to a more efficient, organized, and collaborative environment, empowering you to make the most out of your spreadsheet data.


Is there a formula I can use to delete empty rows?

No, Google Sheets doesn’t offer a direct formula for deleting rows. However, you can use formulas to identify empty rows and then delete them manually.

Can I delete empty rows without affecting the order of my data?

Yes! All the methods mentioned above will preserve the existing order of your data, only removing the rows with no information.

Is Empty and Blank Rows Are Same in Google Sheet

In Google Sheets, empty and blank rows are essentially the same but they have slight differences. An empty row typically has no data in any cell within that row, while a blank row may have cells that appear empty but contain whitespace or formulas returning empty values.

How can I be sure I’m not deleting rows with hidden data?

Unfortunately, filters won’t pick up hidden data in rows. You might need to unhide the data before filtering for empty rows.

Why can’t I delete some empty rows in my Google Sheets document?

If you’re unable to delete certain rows, it could be because those rows contain hidden content or are part of a protected range. Unhide any hidden content and remove protection from the range before attempting to delete the rows.

Is there a keyboard shortcut to delete empty rows in Google Sheets?

No, there isn’t a built-in keyboard shortcut specifically for deleting empty rows in Google Sheets. However, you can use keyboard shortcuts for selecting rows and deleting them, such as selecting the rows with Shift + arrow keys and then pressing Ctrl + – (minus sign) to delete them.


Now you know how to remove empty rows in Google Sheets easily. These methods work no matter how big your data is. Keep your spreadsheets clean and focus on what matters – getting the most out of your data! Hope this helps!!!

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