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How To Add Bullet Points In Google Sheets? – A Simple Guide

Ever want to insert bullet points in your Google Sheet to organize information more effectively? While Google Sheets doesn’t have a built-in bullet point feature, you can still achieve this formatting style using a few clever workarounds. Bullet points are a great way to organize information and make it easier to read. In this guide, we’ll explore different methods for adding bullet points in Google Sheets, from using keyboard shortcuts to custom formatting, helping you create visually appealing and well-structured spreadsheets.

How To Insert Bullet Points In Google Sheets?

Google Sheets, unlike Google Docs or Word, doesn’t have a built-in bullet points feature. However, there are several creative workarounds that can help you achieve a similar bulleted list effect. Let’s explore each method one by one.

1. Add Bullet Points Using Keyboard Shortcut

The keyboard shortcut is the quickest way to add bullet points. Here’s how it works depending on your operating system:


  • Double-click the cell where you want the bullet point.
  • Press and hold the ‘Alt’ key, then press 7 on the numeric keypad (not the row above your letters) (Alt+7).
  • Type your text after the bullet point symbol that appears.


  • Double-click the cell where you want the bullet point.
  • Press and hold the ‘Option’ and ‘Shift’ keys together, then press 9 (Option + Shift + 9).

Bullet Points Using Keyboard Shortcut - Google Sheets

To add more bullet points, press ‘Enter’ to move to the next line in the same cell and then use the same keyboard shortcut to insert another bullet point.

2. Add Bullet Points Using Custom Formatting

If you want more control over how bullet points look in Google Sheets, you can use custom formatting. This lets you add bullet points to many cells at once, saving you time and effort.

Here’s how to add bullet points using custom formatting:

  • Select the cells where you want to add bullet points.
  • Navigate to the menu bar and click Format > Number > More formats… (or Custom number format depending on your Sheets version).

Navigate to Format menu bar - Bullet Points in Google Sheets

  • In the “Number format” box, enter this code: • @
    • represents the bullet point symbol
    • @ is a placeholder for the actual content you’ll enter in the cells.

Enter the code - Insert Bullet Points (google Sheets)

  • Click Apply.

Now, simply enter your text or value in each selected cell and press Enter. The custom format will automatically add a bullet point before your text, creating a clean and consistent bulleted list across multiple cells.

3. Add Bullet Points Using CHAR Function

While keyboard shortcuts and custom formatting offer convenience, the CHAR function provides even greater control over bullet point styles in Google Sheets.

The CHAR function allows you to insert specific characters based on their corresponding code. In this case, we’ll use it to create a bullet point symbol.

  • Select the cell where you want the bullet point.
  • Enter the following formula: =CHAR(8226) & ” ” & A1 (replace A1 with the cell reference containing your text if needed).

Bullet Points Using CHAR Function - Google Sheets

    • CHAR(8226): This part tells the function to insert the character with the code 8226, which corresponds to a standard bullet point symbol.
    • ” “: This adds a space after the bullet point for better readability.
    • &: The ampersand symbol concatenates (joins) the bullet point, space, and your text.
    • A1: Replace this with the actual cell reference containing the text you want to bullet if it’s not in the same cell.
  • Press Enter.

Add Bullet Points Using CHAR Function - Google Sheets

This method isn’t limited to just standard bullet points! You can explore different bullet styles by using alternative CHAR codes. For example:

  • CHAR(9679): Black circle
  • CHAR(9632): Black square
  • CHAR(9658): Right-pointing pointer

Tip: Search online for a list of CHAR codes to discover a variety of bullet point options!

4. Add Bullet Point By Copy And Paste

Instead of starting from scratch, you can use Google Sheets to easily copy and paste existing bullet points. This saves time, especially when you need consistent formatting throughout your spreadsheet.

  • Once you have a cell with a bullet point (created using any of the methods mentioned earlier), select that cell.
  • Press Ctrl + C (Windows) or Cmd + C (Mac) to copy the cell contents, including the bullet point formatting.
  • Select the target cells where you want to replicate the bullet point.
  • Press Ctrl + V (Windows) or Cmd + V (Mac) to paste the copied format.

You can also copy a bullet point from another document, such as Google Docs, where formatting options are readily available. In Google Docs, navigate to Insert > Special characters. Find and copy a bullet point symbol from this menu. Then, paste it into your target cell in Google Sheets.

How To Insert Multiple Bullet Points In A Single Cell?

To insert multiple bullet points in a single cell in Google Sheets, follow these steps:

  • Double-click on the cell where you want to create your bulleted list.
  • Use any of the methods mentioned previously (keyboard shortcut, custom formatting, or CHAR function) to add the first bullet point.
  • After typing your first bullet point text, press “Alt + Enter or Ctrl + Enter” (Windows) or “Cmd + Enter” (Mac). This inserts a line break within the cell without leaving it, allowing you to add another bullet point on a new line.

Add Bullet Points Using CHAR Function - Google Sheets

  • Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each additional bullet point you want to include.

Tips For Using Bullet Points In Google Sheets

When using bullet points in Google Sheets, consider these additional tips to enhance your presentation and organization:

  • Customize Bullets with Different Characters: Try using different CHAR codes, like CHAR(8227) for a triangular bullet. This adds visual appeal and engagement to your bullet points.
  • Align Text with Bullets: Make sure your text aligns well with the bullets for easy reading. Adjust cell padding if needed to create a visually pleasing layout.
  • Combine Bullets with Indentation: Use indentation for sub-points or nested lists. Adding spaces before the bullet points helps organize information and clarify the list’s hierarchy.
  • Consistent Bullet Point Style: Maintain a consistent style for your bullet points throughout your document. This consistency helps create a professional and organized look.
  • Keep Bullet Points Concise: Bullet points are meant to highlight key points or summarize information. Keep each bullet point concise and focused to make them easy to read and understand at a glance.
  • Avoid Excessive Use: While bullet points can be effective for organizing information, avoid using them excessively. Too many bullet points can overwhelm the reader and dilute the impact of each point.


1. Is it possible to use other symbols as bullet points in Google Sheets?

Yes. Here are some alternatives you can use along with their corresponding values to input into the CHAR function:
Bullet Point: • (Unicode value: 8226)
Circle: ● (Unicode value: 9679)
Square: ■ (Unicode value: 9632)
Empty Square: □ (Unicode value: 9633)
Circle (Open): ○ (Unicode value: 9675)
Right-pointing Triangle: ► (Unicode value: 9658)
Right-pointing Small Triangle: ▻ (Unicode value: 9659)

2. What’s the quickest way to add bullet points in Google Sheets?

There’s a handy keyboard shortcut! Use Alt + 7 (Windows) or Option + Shift + 9 (Mac) in the cell where you want the bullet point.

3. How do I remove bullet points once I’ve added them in Google Sheets?

Use the same keyboard shortcut (Alt + 7 on Windows or Option + Shift + 9 on Mac). Alternatively, clear the custom formatting by going back to Format > Number and choosing a different format.

4. Can I mix bullet points and numbered lists in the same column?

No, Google Sheets doesn’t currently allow for mixed formatting within a single column. You’ll need separate columns for bullet points and numbered lists.


This guide teaches you how to use bullet points effectively in Google Sheets. With handy keyboard shortcuts and flexible formatting, you can now make neat, easy-to-read lists in your spreadsheets. So, go ahead and organize your data with confidence! We believe this guide has given you the skills to elevate your Google Sheets game. Have any doubts? Let us know.

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