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Can You Change Your Snapchat Username?

Snapchat is a widely recognized social media platform that stands out for its distinctive features and messages that disappear after being viewed. Your username is what sets you apart and serves as your identity on the platform. It’s common for users to wonder if they can change their Snapchat usernames. In this article, we will delve into the subject of modifying Snapchat usernames, exploring the available options and any associated restrictions. While changing your actual username may be feasible, it’s important to note that there are certain limitations you need to consider.

Difference Between Username and Display Name

  • Username: It’s a unique identifier  which is used for login and account identification purposes. Your friends use your username to add you on Snapchat.
  • Display Name: It’s the name that appears to other Snapchat users. It can be customized and changed to reflect your preferred name or identity. Your display name is what your friends and other users see when they interact with you on Snapchat.

Change Your Snapchat Username

Snapchat users can rejoice as the long-awaited feature to change usernames has finally arrived, giving you the opportunity to personalize your Snapchat experience. However, there are a few important details to keep in mind. Changing your Snapchat username is a one-time opportunity per year, so it’s crucial to carefully consider your decision. In this article, our aim is to provide you with an exclusive and user-friendly guide on modifying your Snapchat username.  Open the Snapchat app and log in to your account.

  • Open the Snapchat app, “Tap on your Profile Icon” in the top-left corner of the camera screen.


  • On your profile page, tap on the “Gear Icon” in the top-right corner to access Settings.


  • Select the “Username” present on the top.


  • Tap on the “change username “option.


  • Snapchat notifies you that your username can only be changed once a year. Tap on “continue”


  • Enter your desired username in the provided field, then tap “Next”


  • Then Enter “Account Password” and tap “Confirm”


  • Confirm it by selecting “Continue”


  • Your Username will be updated


Change Your Snapchat Display Name

  • On your Settings Page ,tap on the “Name” option appeared on the top.


  • Enter your desired “Display Name” in the provided field.


  • Tap on the “Save” button or icon (usually a checkmark) to save the changes.



1. Can I change my Snapchat username without losing my contacts?

Unfortunately, Snapchat doesn’t allow direct username changes while retaining contacts.

2. How often can I change my Snapchat username using a hack?

Hacks are not endorsed by Snapchat and may have varying degrees of success. It’s advisable to stick to official methods.

3. Will a new username affect my Snapchat score?

Your username change won’t impact your Snapchat score, which reflects your activity.

4. Can I transfer my Memories to a new account?

Transferring Memories between accounts isn’t supported by Snapchat.

5. What should I consider when choosing a new username?

Opt for a username that reflects your personality and interests, while maintaining online safety.


The latest update from Snapchat brings the much-awaited feature of changing display names, allowing users to personalize their profiles. However, it’s important to note that the ability to change usernames also available but once in a year, since it also provides options for customization through display names. Embrace the opportunity to express yourself and connect with friends using a unique display name. Keep exploring the platform’s exciting features and enjoy sharing memorable moments on Snapchat.

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