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250+ Electronics Mini Projects Ideas For Engineering Students

Here, we have published a list of best mini projects on electronics for engineering students. These project ideas are mainly helpful for II and III year engineering students of ECE and EEE branches. This list includes the projects from different categories like microcontroller, robotics, electrical, DTMF, GSM, RFID, solar energy, etc. This list gives a basic idea about how to choose and what type of projects that we may choose in final year engineering. So, if you are interested, you may check this list of project ideas.

You may also get the circuit diagrams for many of these projects in the post: Electronics Mini Project Circuits.

Electronics Mini Projects Ideas

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Electronics Mini Projects for Engineering Students:

  • Water Level Controller using 8051 Microcontroller: Here we are designing the circuit which is used to detect and control the water level automatically in overhead tank using 8051 microcontroller. It is used in industries to control the liquid level automatically.
  • Password Based Door Lock System using 8051 Microcontroller: This system demonstrates a password based door lock system wherein once the correct code or password is entered, the door is opened and the concerned person is allowed access to the secured area. After some time, the door would be closed. Read this post completely to get more information.
  • Car Parking Guard Circuit Using Infrared Sensor: This circuit helps the person in the driving seat in such a way that it gives an alarm if there is any obstacle or a wall while parking or while driving in reverse. It is very useful in our real life.
  • Battery Charger Circuit Using SCR: Here is the circuit diagram of battery charger circuit using Silicon Controlled Rectifier. SCR can be used in half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier, inverter circuits, power control circuits, etc.
  • Interfacing GPS with 8051 Microcontroller: In this interfacing of GPS with 8051 circuit, GPS module calculates the position by reading the signals that are transmitted by satellites.
  • Speed Control of DC Motor Using Pulse Width Modulation: This pulse width modulation technique is the more efficient way to proceed to manage the speed of our DC motor manually.
  • Metal Detector Circuit: This is a simple metal detector circuit which is very useful for checking the person in shopping malls, hotels, cinema halls to ensure that person is not carrying any explosive metals or illegal things like guns, bombs etc.
  • Thermistor Temperature Sensing Alarm: This circuit is a temperature sensing as well as alarm circuit. The circuit raises an alarm whenever the temperature crosses a certain limit.
  • FM Remote Encoder/Decoder Circuit: This is a simple post which shows you how to design FM remote encoder and decoder circuit using RF600E and RF600D ICs. This pair of encoder and decoder ICs establishes the communication with high level security. The operating voltage of these ICs is from 2V to 6.6V DC.
  • Wireless Mobile Battery Charger Circuit: This circuit mainly works on the principle of mutual inductance. This circuit may be used as wireless power transfer circuit, wireless mobile charger circuit, wireless battery charger circuit, etc.
  • Simple 100W Inverter Circuit: This is a small Inverter circuit which converts the direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC).
  • Battery Level Indicator: This article explains you how design battery level indicator. You can use this circuit to check car battery or inverter. So by using this circuit, we can increase the lifetime of battery.
  • FM Radio Circuit: FM Radio circuit is the simple circuit that can be tuned to the required frequency locally. This article describes the circuit of FM radio circuit. This is a pocket sized radio circuit.
  • LED Lamp Circuit using USB Port: This is a simple USB LED Light circuit which produces an output of 5v. It may be used as emergency light and also as a reading lamp.
  • Digital Voltmeter using 8051 Microcontroller: This is a simple digital voltmeter circuit designed using 8051 microcontroller. This circuit measures the input voltage from 0V to 5V. Here, the input voltage should be DC voltage to get the accurate output on LCD.
  • Wireless Switch Circuit using CD4027: This is a simple circuit which needs no physical contact with the appliance. In this circuit, all you need is to pass your hand above LDR to ON or OFF the switch.
  • Water Level Indicator: This Water Level Indicator project employs a simple mechanism which helps to detect and indicate the water level in an overhead tank or any other water container. It can be used in Hotels, Factories, Homes Apartments, Commercial Complexes, Drainage, etc.
  • Water Level Alarm Using 555 Timer: This is a simple and low cost hardware project using a 555 timer circuit. The aim of this project is to design a water level detecting alarm with simple and low cost hardware without compromising on the performance of the device.
  • Wailing Siren Circuit: The main principle of this circuit is to produce a wailing siren. The 555 timer IC is operated in astable mode. When the switch is pressed, speaker produces high pitch siren and when it is released, its pitch decreases and is switched off after 30 seconds.
  • Variable Voltage Power Supply from Fixed Voltage Regulator: This Voltage regulator circuit is used to get fixed voltage at the output without depending on the input voltage.
  • USB Mobile Charger Circuit: This circuit is useful in charging the mobiles through USB outlet present in our laptops and PCs. For the charging of your mobile phone, this circuit provides you a regulated voltage of 4.7 volts.
  • UP/DOWN Fading LED Lights: This is a simple up/down fading LED lights circuit which can be used in shopping malls, home and security applications.”/>
  • Understanding 7805 IC Voltage Regulator: This is a circuit diagram of 7805 IC which is a 5v DC regulated IC. It is very flexible and is employed in many circuits like a voltage regulator.
  • 555 Timer in Monostable and Astable Multivibrator Modes: Here is the detailed explanation along with circuit diagrams about how a 555 timer circuit works as an astable multivibrator and as a monostable multivibrator.
  • Unbiased Digital Dice with LEDs: This is a circuit diagram of digital dice which is nearly unbiased. By using this circuit, there is no chance to cheat as the circuit operates at such a high speed that the circuit is almost imperceptible to the human eye.
  • Ultrasonic Rangefinder using 8051: This circuit explains you how to measure the distance using 8051 microcontroller. This ultrasonic range finder system measures the distance up to 2.5 meters at accuracy of 1 cm.
  • TV Transmitter Circuit: The main principle of this circuit is to transmit the audio and video signals. Here audio signals are frequency modulated and video signals are PAL modulated. These modulated signals are applied for the antenna.
  • TV Remote Control Jammer: This proposed TV jammer circuit confuses the infrared receiver in a TV by producing the constant signal that interferes the remote control signal. If you switch on the circuit once, the TV will not receive any command from the remote. This allows you to watch your own program without anyone changing the channel or volume.
  • Transistor Intercom Circuit: This transistor intercom circuit is a simple two way intercom circuit which is used for the dual purpose of sending as well as receiving signals.
  • Toy Organ using 555 Timer IC: This is the circuit diagram of simple Toy Piano using 555 Timer IC. It produces different tones or sounds depending on the frequency range.
  • Touch ON and OFF Switch Circuit: This Touch ON/OFF Switch circuit is more useful in such a way that we can automatically ON or OFF any switch by touching a device without moving from our place.
  • Temperature Controlled DC Fan using Microcontroller: The main principle of the circuit is to switch on the fan connected to DC motor when the temperature is greater than a threshold value.This can be used in home applications and in cpu to reduce heat.
  • Super Sensitive Intruder Alarm: This circuit is designed to alert the user when an intruder enters into the home. If there is any obstacle in front of IR sensor, it generates an interrupt signal. This interrupt signal is given to the speaker to alert the user.
  • Sun Tracking Solar Panel: This article describes about circuit that rotates solar panel. This Sun tracking solar panel consists of two LDRs, solar panel, stepper motor and ATMEGA8 Microcontroller.
  • Stun Gun Circuit: This Stun gun circuit is mostly used as a weapon to stun or send shock waves to the target with the intention to weaken or paralyze it.
  • Automatic Dusk to Dawn (Evening on to Morning Off): This article describes about the circuit that switches the street lights on detecting vehicle movement and remains off after fixed time. This system controls the street lights using light dependent resistor and PIR sensor.
  • Stepper Motor Interfacing with 8051 Microcontroller: The main principle of this circuit is to rotate the stepper motor step wise at a particular step angle. The ULN2003 IC is used to drive the stepper motor as the controller cannot provide current required by the motor.
  • SR Flip Flop with NAND and NOR Gates: SR Flip Flop, also known as SR latch is the most vital as well as broadly used Flip Flop. Get an idea about design of SR Flip Flop with NAND and NOR Gates.
  • Cell Phone Based DTMF Controlled Garage Door Opening System:A mobile controlled Garrage door opening system is proposed here.This system uses a DTMF technology for controlling the door.
  • Solar Battery Charger Circuit: Here is the simple circuit to charge 6V, 4.5Ah rechargeable Lead-acid battery from the solar panel. This solar charger has current and voltage regulation and also has over voltage cut off facilities. This circuit may also be used to charge any battery at constant voltage because output voltage is adjustable.
  • Simple LED Blinking Lights Circuit: Here is a best example for simple LED blinking ligts i.e. LED Flasher which blinks the LEDs in regular time period. This circuit can be used for decoration purpose or can be used for a signaling purpose and many more.
  • Simple FM Radio Jammer Circuit: This is a Jammer circuit which is used to block the signals. Jammer circuit produces the high frequency signal which will confuse the receiver of particular system from receiving the signal, even though circuit is working properly, user of the system feels that circuit is not working properly.
  • Simple Fire Alarm Circuits: Here are two simple fire alarm circuits which are used to detect the fire automatically and inform to the people immediately with an alarm.
  • Audio Tone Control Circuit: This article explains you how to design an audio tone control circuit with the gain of around 25. This design needs less number of components and it is cost effective.
  • Security Alarm Circuit: This circuit helps you to guard your precious documents as well as jewellery from intruders or theft. All you need is to just place this circuit in front of the locker or below the mat so when any unknown person come and walk over the switch, the circuit will trigger and sound of alarm comes.
  • Remote Control Circuit through RF without microcontroller: Here we have used RF434 MHz modules to make wireless remote. Using this remote, we can control the appliances within the range of 100 meters. It is used for remote control applications like burglar alarm, car door alarm, calling bell, security systems, etc.
  • RFID based Attendance System: This simple RFID based attendance system is designed using ATmega8 Microcontroller and is mainly used in educational institutions, industries, etc. where authentication is needed.
  • Reverse Parking Sensor Circuit: If you are a new driver then it is very difficult to judge the distance while parking the car. Reverse parking sensor circuit solves this problem by indicating the distance with the help of three LEDŒÍs. We can easily arrange this system at the back side of the car.
  • Remote Operated Spy Robot Circuit: This is a simple spy robot circuit which can be controlled by the remote. The maximum controllable range is 125 meters. It is used to observe the behavior of wild animals where human beings cannot reach.
  • Remote Operated Alarm Circuit: This circuit rings an alarm when you point a TV remote at it and press on any button. This can be used as a calling bell to call your assistant.
  • Reaction Timer Game Circuit: This is a simple and funny game circuit which contains 10 LEDs that are moving in an arbitrary fashion and we have to target a particular LED given by your challenger.
  • Rain Alarm Circuit: Rain water detector will detect the rain and make an alert; rain water detector is used in the irrigation field, home automation, communication, automobiles etc. Here is the simple and reliable circuit of rain water detector which can be constructed at low cost.
  • PWM LED Dimmer Using NE555: The Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) plays an important role in controlling the circuits. We use this PWM to dim the intensity of light of the LED.
  • PWM based DC Motor Speed Control using Microcontroller: Here is a simple DC Motor speed control circuit designed using AVR Microcontroller. Here we use a technique called PWM (pulse width modulation) to control the speed of DC motor.
  • Pull Pin Security Alarm System: This circuit helps us to get alerted when anybody picks our pockets or bags. The circuit is very helpful to prevent our goods getting pick pocketed.
  • Police Siren Circuit using NE555 Timer: This circuit produces a sound similar to the police siren. You may also get detailed information about pin diagram and internal block diagram of NE555 timer.
  • Police Lights using 555 Timer: This circuit simulates the police car lights by alternate flashing. This circuit flashes red LEDs for three times and blue LEDŒÍs for three times. This flashing action performs continuously. This circuit uses 555 timer and a decade counter.
  • Polarity cum Continuity Tester: With the help of this circuit, we can also identify whether the components we are using in our circuit are good or bad before mounting them on the PCB.
  • PIR Sensor Based Security Alarm: This article explains about PIR based security system in which PIR sensor is used instead of transmitter or receiver. This saves the power consumption and is low cost. This circuit can be used in the museums to protect the valuable things.
  • Panic Alarm: This panic alarm circuit helps us to intimate others regarding our bad situation without any delay. It is more useful when an intruder entering our house or bad health status at which we are unable to intimate to the people around us.
  • One Transistor Electronic Code Lock System: The main principle of this circuit is that the door lock opens only when the buttons are pressed in an order. The transistor and diode plays a main role in the circuit.
  • Multiplexer and Demultiplexer: A multiplexer is a circuit that accepts many inputs but gives only one output where as a demultiplexer accepts only one input and gives many outputs. Get an idea about their circuit diagram and pin diagrams in this post.
  • Motion Detector Circuit: The motion detector is not only used as intruder alarm but also used in many applications like home automation system, energy efficiency system, etc. The motion detector will detect the motion of the people or objects and give the appropriate output according to the circuit.
  • Morse Code Generator Circuit: This is a circuit used to generate morse code. Morse code is very old and versatile technique to send text messages using wireless media.
  • Monostable Multivibrator Circuit Operation: Here is the monostable multivibrator circuit diagram and working. Multivibrator is an electronic circuit which will work as two stage amplifier operating in both stable and astable mode.
  • Variable Power Supply and Charger: This is a circuit which helps to check or test your electronic projects and also to charge the Mobile phone batteries. This circuit can also work as an emergency light.
  • Mobile Jammer Circuit: This circuit is used to block the signals of cell phones with in the range of 100 meters. This circuit can be used in TV transmission and also for remote controlled toys or play things.
  • Mains Operated LED Light Circuit: This is a simple circuit which is more useful to save our resources, energy and money by installing in your homes.
  • Luggage Security Alarm: This is a simple alarm circuit which helps in ringing a warning alarm when someone tries to steal the luggage.
  • Low Power Audio Amplifier using 555 Timer: This is a simple low power audio amplification circuit designed using 555 timer. It can be used to develop low power music systems used in vehicles.
  • Line Following Robotic Circuit using ATMega8 Microcontroller: This line follower robot is a basic robot that follows a specific path indicated by a line having some particular width.
  • Light Activated Switch Circuit: The main principle of this circuit is to switch ON the light when the LDR is illuminated. This circuit can be used in security applications like when there is darkness on the LDR, it stops lighting.
  • LED Running Lights Circuit: This is a simple circuit consists of 9 LED lights in knight rider scanner mode. It will present an eye catching look as the LED initially travel in the one way and then travel reverse in the similar direction.
  • LED Lamp Dimmer Circuit: In this circuit, at the starting LED glows slowly, then grown brighter and once again slowly it became dim. The basis of the whole circuit is an operational amplifier IC named LM358.
  • LED Interfacing with 8051: The main principle of this circuit is to interface LEDs to the 8051 family micro controller. Commonly, used LEDs will have voltage drop of 1.7v and current of 10mA to glow at full intensity. This is applied through the output pin of the microcontroller.
  • 3X3X3 LED Cube: This is a simple a simple LED cube circuit designed without using microcontroller. It is based on the principle of driving LEDs using the clock pulses.
  • LED Christmas Lights Circuit: This is a simple circuit used to decorate your house by building christmas lights using LEDs. The lights will get ON at night and OFF in morning time.
  • Lead Acid Battery Charger Circuit: Lead Battery is a rechargeable battery and is more useful in our real life as it will dissipate very little energy, it has very low energy to weight ratio, it can deliver high current, can work for long time with high efficiency and is very low cost.
  • LC Meter using 555 Timer: This is a simple LC Meter circuit designed using 555 Timer and 8051 microcontroller. It is mainly used to measure value of a reactive element like a capacitor or an inductor.
  • JK Flip Flop using CD4027: CD4027 is a JK flip flop that is generally used for data storing. Get an idea about how to build JK Flip Flop with CD4027.
  • IR Remote Control Switch: By using this circuit, we can control any house hold appliance with the help of remote. In this project, there are two parts,one is in transmitting section and the other is in receiving section. Receiving section will be in a stable position which is connected to any load and transmitter will act as a normal remote.
  • DC Motor Interfacing with 8051 Microcontroller: Here is a simple but very useful circuit in our real life named interfacing DC motor with 8051 microcontroller. It describes you how to control the DC motor using AT89C51 controller.
  • Interfacing 7 Segment Display to 8051: This article describes you how to interface seven segments to AT89C51 microcontroller. This system displays the digits from 0 to 9 continuously with a predefined delay.
  • Interfacing16X2 LCD with PIC Microcontroller: This is a circuit which helps in interfacing 16퀌„2 LCD to PIC18F4550 microcontroller which is of family PIC18F.
  • Interfacing 16X2 LCD to AVR Microcontroller: This is a circuit which helps in interfacing 16X2 LCD with AVR Microcontroller. The Atmega16 belongs to the AVR microcontroller family.
  • Interfacing 16×2 LCD with 8051: This is a simple circuit diagram which helps to describe interfacing of 16X2 LCD module to AT89C51which is a 8051 family microcontroller.
  • Intelligent Unambiguous Night Lamp Switcher: This is the circuit diagram of unambiguous night lamp switch, which turns ON our domestic lights automatically when it is dark, without human interference. It also avoids repeated frequent switching of the devices which is usually ignored in most similar circuits but may have a detrimental effect on our operating devices.
  • 555 Timer IC Testing Circuit: This is a simple 555 IC testing-circuit which tests your entire 555 timer IC. So before using your IC, you may check whether your IC is good or bad by using this circuit.
  • Hot Water Geyser Controller Circuit: This circuit is made to turn OFF geysers as soon as our water gets hot and are ready for bathing.
  • High and Low Voltage Cutoff with Delay and Alarm: This high and low voltage cutoff with delay alarm circuit is an advanced automatic voltage stabilizer circuit and is used to protect our home appliances. It’s cost is less as compared to voltage stabilizers.
  • Frequency Counter Circuit: Here we design a simple frequency counter system using two timers and two counters. While one of the Timer IC is used to produce clock signals, the other is used to produce the time limited signal of one second.
  • FM Transmitter Circuit: Here we built a wireless FM transmitter which uses RF communication to transmit the medium or low power FM signal. The maximum range of transmission is around 2 km.
  • FM Bugger Circuit: Here is small circuit with which you can listen to another people conversation from long distance using the normal FM radio set. This FM bugger circuit is kept in room where you want listen the conversation. You can listen to this conversation using the normal FM radio set.
  • Fire Alarm with Siren Sound: This circuit alerts us when there is a fire accident at home by ringing a siren sound instead of a buzzer.
  • Mosquito Repellent Circuit: Here is the simple electronic mosquito repellent circuit which can produce ultrasound in the frequency range of 20-38 kHz, which can scare away mosquitoes.
  • Electronic Letter Box: This is a simple circuit which helps in finding out any letter dropped in our box by stopping the LED lights attached in this circuit.
  • Dummy Alarm Circuit: The main principle of the circuit is to flash an LED for every 5 seconds. The circuit consists of 7555 timer IC as main component.
  • DTMF Based Home Automation System Circuit: This is a simple and very useful circuit in our real life named DTMF controlled home appliances system. It helps to control the home appliances using DTMF technology.
  • Ding Dong Sound Generator Circuit: This is ding dong sound generator circuit is designed using 555 timer IC in astable mode. It can be used as doorbell. With some modifications, it can be used to produce different sounds. Read this post for complete details.
  • Digital Voltmeter Circuit using ICL7107: Here we designed a analog to digital converter working as a digital voltmeter using a low power three and half digit A/D converter ICL7107 having internal 7 segment decoders, display drivers, a reference and a clock.
  • Digital Temperature Sensor: The main principle of this circuit is to display the digital temperature value. These are mainly used in environmental applications.
  • Digital Stopwatch Circuit: This is a simple circuit that displays count from 0 to 59, representing a 60 second time interval. It consists of a 555 timer to produce the clock pulses and two counter ICs to carry out the counting operation.
  • Basic Logic Gates Using NAND Gate: We are all well known that NOT, AND, OR are the basic logic gates. Here we have shown how to design these basic logic gates using one of the universal gates – NAND Gate.
  • Density Based Traffic Signal System using Microcontroller: In this system, we use IR sensors to measure the traffic density. We have to arrange one IR sensor for each road; these sensors always sense the traffic on that particular road. All these sensors are interfaced to the microcontroller. Based on these sensors, controller detects the traffic and controls the traffic system.
  • Curtain Opener/Closer Circuit: This circuit will open and close the curtain of your home and office just by pushing a switch. So with the help of this unique circuit, we do not need to move from one place to open and close the curtain.
  • Continuity Tester with Melody: This circuit works as a continuity tester device which tests the continuity of the wire at hand. It is an indispensable tool to check broken wires and undesired shorting of wires.
  • Digital Tachometer using 8051 Microcontroller: Here we designed a simple non contact tachometer using microcontroller which can measure speed with an accuracy of 1 rev/sec.
  • Construction of Basic Logic Gates using NOR Gate: Here, we have shown how to construct the basic logic gates – NOT, AND, OR gates using NOR Gate which is one of the universal gates.
  • Clap Switch Circuit for Devices: This is another simple but very useful circuit which helps to ON or OFF a device without moving from you place and also helps to control the speed of the electric devices like fan, etc.
  • Celsius Scale Thermometer using AT89C51: This Celsius Scale Thermometer circuit is designed using at89c51 and lm35. This circuit works on analog to digital conversion principle. It can be used at homes, mobile places like cars to keep a track of the temperature.
  • Cell Phone Detector: This is a simple circuit which helps to detect the presence of an activated cell phone by detecting the signals in the frequency range of 0.9 to 3GHz. It helps in mobile phones tracking which are used for spying.
  • Car Battery Charger Circuit: This article aims to describe the principle of operation, design and working of a simple car battery charger from AC mains supply and a feedback control section to control the battery charging.
  • Boolean Algebra Calculator: This Boolean algebra calculator is an interesting project which is more useful in our real life by working as a portable calculator to simplify the Boolean expression on the fly. In our circuit, we use Boolean algebra simplification methods like the Quine-McCluskey algorithm to simplify the Boolean expression and display the output on the display.
  • Bipolar LED Driver Circuit: This bipolar LED driver circuit is very useful at the places where flashing of light is required, as in beacon flashing. This circuit can be mainly used for indication purposes.
  • Bike Turning Signal Circuit: The objective of this circuit is to indicate left or right turn for bike/vehicle. Two identical circuits are needed, one is for left and the other is for right. The main heart of this circuit is 555 timer.
  • Bidirectional Visitor Counter using 8051: This Bidrectional Visitor Counter Circuit is helpful to count the number of persons entering or leaving a room and to display it on a screen.
  • 7 Segment LED Display Decoder: This is the circuit diagram of display decoder which is used to convert a BCD or binary code into a 7 segment code used to operate a 7 segment LED display.
  • Battery Powered Portable Light: This circuit is more helpful in handling unexpected and undesired darkness in our homes or offices. It provides considerable amount of brightness required to do our daily tasks.
  • Battery Charger Circuit: This battery charger circuit works on the principle of controlling switching of an SCR based on charging and discharging of battery.
  • Auto Turnoff Soldering Iron Circuit: This circuit helps the soldering iron to turn off automatically when it detects overheating and thereby avoids it from getting damaged.
  • Auto Night Lamp using High Power LED: This Auto Night Lamp is an interesting circuit which helps to turn ON the LED lights interfaced to it at night time and it turns OFF the lights automatically when it is day.
  • Automatic Washroom Light Switch: This is a simple but very useful circuit in our real life which helps to automatically turn On the lights when a person enters the washroom and it automatically turns Off the lights when he leaves it.
  • Automatic Street Light Controller Circuit Using Relays and LDR: This circuit helps in automatically turn ON/OFF the street lights using relays and LDR. The whole circuit is based on IC CA3140.
  • Automatic Railway Gate Controller with High Speed Alerting System: The main aim of this project is to operate and control the unmanned railway gate in the proper manner in order to avoid the accidents in the unmanned railway crossing.
  • Automatic Plant Irrigation System: This project circuit is more useful in watering plants automatically without any human interference. It is more useful when the owner is not present in the home for few days.
  • Automatic LED Emergency Light Circuit: This is the simple and cost effective automatic emergency light circuit with light sensing. This system charges from main supply and gets activated when main supply is turned OFF. This emergency lamp will work for more than 8 hours.
  • Automatic Door Bell With Object Detection: This automatic doorbell with object detection circuit helps to sense the presence of a person or an object automatically and rings the doorbell.
  • Automatic Changeover Switch: This is a simple automatic changeover circuit in which DC load like a series of LEDs are driven either by a battery or an AC-DC power supply.
  • Automatic Battery Charger: This charger automatically shut off the charging process when battery attains full charge. This prevents the deep charge of the battery. If the battery voltage is below the 12V, then circuit automatically charges the battery.
  • Auto Intensity Control of Street Lights: This is a simple circuit that automatically controls the intensity of street lights which is designed using microcontroller and LEDs.
  • Audio Equalizer Circuit: The circuit is used to change the tune/melody into a different pitch level by devoid of loss in the tune. It is mainly useful to music lovers.
  • Air Flow Detector Circuit: This Air flow detector circuit can be used to detect the flow of air in areas like car engine. It can also be used as temperature detector.
  • 9 Way Clap Switch Circuit: This circuit helps you to manage your appliances in your home by just clap without moving from your bed.
  • 8 Channel Quiz Buzzer Circuit using Microcontroller: We built the circuit using a microcontroller which scans the input from push buttons and displays the corresponding number on a display device.
  • 5 Channel IR Remote Control System using Microcontroller: This article is aimed to design and demonstrate a simple 5 channel remote control system to drive five loads. This circuit works on the principle of IR communication.
  • 2 Digit Up Down Counter: The main principle of this circuit is to increment the values on seven segment displays by pressing the button. This circuit can be mainly used in scoreboards.
  • 230V LED Driver: Here we design a simple circuit driving a series of LED from 230V AC. This is accomplished using a capacitor based power supply. This is a low cost and efficient circuit and can be used at homes.
  • 150W Power Amplifier Circuit: Here we designed a power amplifier circuit using push pull class AB configuration to derive a power of 150W to drive a load of 8 Ohms (speaker).
  • 12v DC to 220v AC Converter Circuit: Here is a simple voltage driven inverter circuit which converts 12v DC signal to single phase 220v AC using power transistors as switching device.
  • 12V to 24V DC Converter Circuit: This is another kind of circuit which helps to convert 12V DC current to 24V DC current.
  • Automatic solar street light controller:This projects shows controlling of the street lights automatically using solar power.
  • 100w Subwoofer Amplifier Circuit: Here is the circuit diagram and working of 100w subwoofer amplifier circuit. A Subwoofer is a loudspeaker which produces audio signals of low frequencies.
  • 100W MOSFET Power Amplifier Circuit: A power amplifier circuit using MOSFET has been designed to produce 100W output to drive a load of about 8 Ohms.
  • Random Number Generator using 8051: This circuit helps to generate a random number in between 0 to 100 when push button is pressed and it may be used in the games like monopoly, snake ladder.
  • Delay using 8051 Timers: Generation of time delay is most important concept in embedded systems. Most of the times, we need to generate precise time delay between two actions in controller applications.
  • Autonomous Self-parking car:The autonomous car parking system monitors the surroundings and parks the car in the given place autoamtically using this sensor data.
  • Ball Picker Robot:This projects explains the methods and results of a golf ball picking robot.
  • Beacon Flasher Using Microcontroller:This project shows the design of LED beacon for high altitude baloon team.
  • Bidirectional Rotation of an Induction Motor with a Remote Control Device:The proposed system shows the controlling of an induction motor in forward and revesre directions using a wireless technology.
  • Biopic Heartbeat Monitor:This project shows the implementation of ECG and digital heart rate.
  • BLDC Motor Speed Control with RPM Display:Brush less DC motor speed can be controlled here.The motor runs at a speed entered by the user.
  • Build A Carbon Monoxide SNIFFER:A carbonmonoxide sensor is explained here.Arduino is used as a main part of the project.
  • Build A Simple Infrared Illuminator:This project designs the infrared illuminator,which is used in the cameras for image capturing during night time.
  • DC Motor Direction Control:This article shows the controlling of a DC motor in both the directions.
  • Digital Compass/Navigation:A simple and accurate digital compass cirucit is designed here.
  • Digital Object Counter (5v):A digital object counter that count the objects is proposed here.This is a simple cirucit using LDR and digital IC.
  • Digital Panel Meter (5v):This project digital panel meter converts the analog values into digital and displays them.Here voltage is displayed.
  • Discotheque Light Stroboscopic Flasher:A led strobe light used in discotheque is designed using simple components like 4017 IC here.
  • DTMF Telephone Remote Control:A DTMF based remote controller which can control the devices from long distances is designed here.
  • Dual Motor L298 H-Bridge Control:This projects explains the cirucit that can control two motors using h-bridge .
  • Electrical power generation using foot steps:In this project non conventional electrical energy is generated by simply running on the train.
  • Electrical power generation using speed breaker:This paper presents an effective method for generating the electricity from speed brakers on the road.In addition to traditional method rollers are placed near the traffic signals when the vehicles pass by,they Starts rotating and electricity is produced.
  • Electronic Card Lock System:This paper proposes an electronic card lock system in which a card can be used as for security purpose.
  •  Electronic watch dog timer: An electronic watch dog timer proposed here is a security system.It can be placed at the main gate and if someone enters the gate it produces an alert.
  • Fastest Finger First Indicator:This article shows the circuit diagram of fastest finger first application and its working.
  • Smoke Alarm System:Smoke alarm system proposed here shows a simple circuit.
  • Hydro power plant (model):A simulation model of hydro power plant using matlab is developed here.
  • Incoming Phone Ring Light Flasher:This shows a simple circuit that can flash a light when the phone starts ringing.Thus nuissence of phone ringing at night time can be avoided using this circuit.
  • Infrared Toy Car Motor Controller:This project shows using a tv remote to on/off of the toy cars.
  • Invisible Broken Wire Detector:Here a broken wire detector cirucit was designed.This circuit can detect the faulty wire easily and quickly in 1-core or 2-core or 3-core cables.
  • Knock Alarm: This Knock alarm circuit explained here uses a piezo electric sensor.Vibration is detected by this sensor and it produces an alarm.
  • Laser Audio Transmitter:This project shows the transmitting of audio through laser beam.
  • LED Sensor Keyboard:A keyboard that can be operated by sensing LEDs is designed here.Here Leds were used both as sensors and emitters.
  • LED-Based Message Display:A moving display with leds is shown in this project.
  • Light Sensing Robot: A phototropic robot is designed in this paper. This robo follows the direction where there is light.
  • Long duration timer circuit: This circuit can switch on or off the load for a time period of 35 minutes.
  • Microcontroller Based Intelligent Glass Break Detector: The proposed system detects the breaks in the glass. This system uses an ultrasonic sensor for detecting the breaks in the glass.
  • Musical Touch Bell:This circuit produces melody when the push button is pressed.
  • PC Based Electrical Load Control:This project proposes a system that can control the electrical load from your personal computer.
  • PC Controlled Scrolling Message Display for Notice Board:In this project a notice board that can display a scrolling message and which can be controlled using personal computer is explained.
  • PC To PC Laser Communication:This paper shows the PC to PC communication using laser communication.
  • Programmable Load Shedding Time Management :Load shedding managaemnt is manual take over of the task of swithcing on/off the loads after required time.This system explains the same.
  • Robot Control Using TV Remote:Here is the robot that can be controlled using TV or AC remote.Arduino is used for controlling the robot.
  • Solar fan with lighting system:Here a solar Fan with a lighting system was proposed.
  • Speed Checker to Detect Rash Driving on Highways:This system detects the rash driving of the vehicles on highways and if the vehicle crosses the speed limit rings a buzzer alerting the police.
  • Medicine Reminder using Arduino:This paper shows the designing of a medicine remainder using arduino.
  • Automated Toll Collection System Using RFID:Current toll collection system requires more man power.So an autoamted toll collection system was proposed here.Here RFID technology is used for automation of this system.
  • How To Make Alcohol Breathalyzer Circuit:A breathalyzer or alcohol tester is designed here. This is a simple circuit.
  • Cell phone controlled vehicle:A mobile controlled vehicle is designed in this paper.This uses a DTMF technology for controlling the vehicle.
  • Temperature Data Logger:The temperature data logger continously monitors the temperature of the surroundings for a given period.It can be viewed at any time.
  • DIY Wind-Powered Water Pump:This article presents a DIY wind Powered Water Pump.
  • Self-Adjusting Window Shade:This system automatically adjust the window shade according to temperature and light conditions.
  • Automated Vehicle Identification and Toll-Pass System.
  • Automatic Exhaust Fan Control Coupled To Gas Leak Detection
  • Automatic Heat Detector
  • Automatic Light Beam Shifting Of Vehicles On High Ways
  • Automatic Speed Regulation Depending On Incoming Vehicle On High Ways(Fuel Injection)
  • Blackout game
  • Build The Breath O-Meter
  • Built Your Own Multi-Frequency Digital Signal Generator
  • Burglar Alarm System
  • Cell Phone Based DTMF Controlled Garage Door Opening System
  • Cell phone controlled solar vehicle
  • Clap Switch
  • Co2 & O2 Monitoring In Green House
  • Coin Based Toll Gate System.
  • Colour Intensity Measurement (Liquids)
  • Colour Reflectance Measurement (Solids)
  • Condenser Mice Audio Amplifier
  • Data Logger
  • Dc Motor Control PWM Technique
  • Density Based Traffic Signal System Using PIC Microcontroller
  • Depth Of The Medium Based On Attenuated Reflectance
  • Depth Of The Medium/Liquid Level By Change In Conductance
  • Designing A Digital Thermometer By Using A Selected Temperature Sensor
  • Digital Alarm Clock
  • Digital Receipts System
  • Display of Dialed Telephone Numbers on Seven Segment Displays
  • DTMF Development Board
  • DTMF Proximity Detector
  • E2prom Based Data Entry Real Time Clock Control Application
  • Electric Etch
  • Electrical Equipment Controller
  • Electrical power generation system using railway track
  • Electrical power generation using steam power plant
  • Electrical power generation using thermal power plant
  • Electricity and water pumping system using wind mill
  • Electronic Eye Controlled Security System
  • Electronic Eye With Security System
  • Electronic Jam
  • Electronic security system
  • ESD Foam Touch Controlled Brick Blaster
  • Eye Ball Control of Wheel Chair for Physical Handicapped person
  • Fart Intensity Detector
  • Fastest Finger Press Quiz Buzzer
  • FET 4 Input Mixer (+/-9v)
  • Fluid Flow Measurement (Liquid)
  • Fluid Level Detection
  • Four Quadrant DC Motor Speed Control with Microcontroller
  • Gesture Recognition Based on Scratch Inputs
  • GPS Data Logger with Wireless Trigger
  • Heliostat (MP4)
  • Hidden Active Cell Phone Detector
  • High Voltage DC by Marx Generator Principles
  • Home Automation (Ac/Dc) Using Pc Interface
  • Home Automation Using Television Remote Control
  • House security system
  • I2cprotocol Based Real Time Clock Control Application
  • Industrial Automation Data Acquisition System
  • Industrial Battery Charger by Thyristor Firing Angle Control
  • Industrial Power Control by Integral Cycle Switching without Generating Harmonics
  • Industrial Protection System Using Light Dependent Resistor
  • Infra Red Illuminator
  • Infrared Auto Switch
  • Infrared Card less Head Phone
  • Infrared Control For PC
  • Infrared Remote Control Timer
  • Intelligent Battery Charger
  • Intelligent Overhead Tank Water Level Indicator
  • Intelligent solar emergency light
  • Interfacing Color Sensor With Different Wave Lengths to Microcontroller
  • Interfacing IBM Key Board To Micro Controller
  • Ionizer Mains (230v Ac)
  • IRDA (Infra Red Data Communication Protocol Implementation
  • L293 H-Bridge Dc Motor Controller
  • Lamp Life Extender by ZVS (Zero Voltage Switching)
  • Laser Torch Based voice Transmitter and Receiver
  • Leaf Moisture Analyzer
  • LED Panel Meter
  • Life Cycle Testing of Electrical Loads by Down Counter
  • Light Sensitive Inductive Load Controller
  • Line Following Robotic Vehicle Using Microcontroller
  • Line Telephone Share
  • Logic Analyzer
  • Long Range FM Transmitter with Audio Modulation
  • Micro Controller Clock
  • Micro Controller To Ethernet Interface
  • Microcontroller based Scrolling Message Display
  • Mobile Cell Phone Charger
  • Mobile Phone Battery Charger
  • Modern House Automation (Ac/Dc) Using IR Communication
  • Multi functional wind mill
  • Multi sensor Data Transmission
  • NES emulator
  • Object Counter with 7 Segment Display
  • ODB-II Automotive data interface
  • Optimum Energy Management System
  • Over Voltage or Under Voltage Tripping Mechanism
  • Parallel Telephone Lines with Security System
  • Particulates Monitoring Using Light Beam Attenuation
  • PC based solar car
  • Ph Controller
  • Phase Sequence Checker for Three Phase Supply
  • Portable Programmable Medication Reminder
  • POV display
  • Programmable Synthesized Guitar
  • Quality FM Transmitter
  • Remote Control For Home Appliances
  • Remote Controlled Fan Regulator
  • Remote controlled solar car
  • Remote Jamming Device
  • RF Control Of Induction Motors And Other Industrial Loads
  • Rhythm Following Flashing Lights
  • Robot Plotter
  • Season Based Automatic Streetlights Switching
  • Simple Code Lock
  • Simple Function Generator 12v
  • Sine Pulse Width Modulation (spwm)
  • Sinewave Generator
  • Six Channel Petrochemical Fire Monitoring And Control Station
  • Smooth Start of a Single Phase Induction Motor
  • SMS based solar pick and place robot
  • SMS Chatting Using RF
  • SMS controlled solar moving vehicle for industrial application
  • Snake arm Multiple PID motor controller
  • Solar agricultural water pumping system
  • Solar air conditioner
  • Solar air cooler with auto tracking
  • Solar automated guided vehicle (solar agv)
  • Solar automated track guided vehicle (solar atgv)
  • Solar automatic cell phone charger with pay system
  • Solar automatic traffic and street light controller
  • Solar Battery Charger And Shunt Regulator
  • Solar car (running model)
  • Solar cycle
  • Solar electric go bed drive
  • Solar electric two wheeler with rechargeable battery
  • Solar emergency lighting system with battery charger
  • Solar intelligent vehicle (car model)
  • Solar irrigation system
  • Solar lighting system
  • Solar lighting system with auto tracking
  • Solar lighting with auto changeover system
  • Solar power generation with auto tracking
  • Solar powered accident prevented for train
  • Solar powered automatic head light dim/bright controller
  • Solar powered automatic railway gate controller
  • Solar powered automatic rain operated wiper
  • Solar powered automatic temperature controller with cooling system
  • Solar powered automatic vehicle accident information system
  • Solar powered fire fighting with visitor guided vehicle
  • Solar powered path finding robot
  • Solar powered remote controlled bomb detecting robot
  • Solar powered remote operated weapon system
  • Solar powered unaided guided vehicle (solar ugv)
  • Solar powered visitor guided with material handling vehicle
  • Solar powered voice controlled vehicle
  • Solar race car
  • Solar railway track crack detecting vehicle
  • Solar remote controlled video analyzing pick and place vehicle
  • Solar ups with auto tracking
  • Solar wheel chair for physically disabled
  • Stamp Value Calculator for Postage Needs
  • Step Up 6 Volt DC to 10 Volt DC Using 555 Timer
  • Stepper Motor Based Valve Controller
  • Stepper Motor Control Using Microcontroller
  • Street Light that Glows on Detecting Vehicle Movement
  • Sun Tracking Solar Panel
  • Telephone Call Counter
  • Telephone Number Display
  • Telephone Receiver
  • Temperature Controlled Soldering Station
  • Thermistor Based Temperature Control
  • Three Phase Solid State Relay with ZVS
  • Thyristor Controlled Power for Induction Motor
  • Thyristor Power Control by IR Remote
  • Time Delay Based Relay Operated Load
  • Tissue Impedance Digital Biopsy
  • Touch Controlled Load Switch
  • Touch Dimmer
  • Touchpad/Infrared Music Synthesizer
  • Traction control system
  • U.S.B. Connectivity To Micro Controller
  • UNIPOLAR 4-Phase Stepper Motor Controller Board
  • Using TV Remote as a Cordless Mouse for the Computer
  • Variable Auxiliary Power Supply
  • Video Activated Relay to Control the Load
  • Voice Tuner
  • Water turbine power generation system
  • Weather Canvas
  • Wind mill power generation system
  • Wind turbine power generation system
  • Wire Loop Breaking Alarm Signal
  • Wireless Audio Transmitter for TV
  • Wireless music player
  • Wireless Vehicle Path Tracer Using IR & RF

Note: For latest engineering project ideas and circuit diagrams, visit regularly Electronics Hub

20 Responses

  1. street lights that works on vehicle moment detection is very good…but how to do it in software…its too difficult

  2. Nice wide range of projects, nice to see the super cheap 8081 family of processors being used.

  3. This is very innovative and informative also useful Article. Thank you for sharing this Article.Thanks

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