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DIY Projects

In this project, I’ll show you how to build an Arduino & Bluetooth Controlled Robotic Arm using Android Phone. This Robotic Arm can be operated

You might have seen Hand Gesture Controlled Robots, where the motion of a robot is controlled by the gestures of the hand. Another interesting project

Have you ever tried to design a variable regulated power supply? This article describes you how to design a variable power supply circuit . Till

In this project, we will learn about the MCP2515 CAN Controller Module, how to interface the MCP2515 CAN Bus Controller with Arduino and finally how

In this project, I will talk about LM393 Speed Sensor Module, how this module works and helps in determining the speed of a rotating object

In this project, we will learn about Flex Sensors, how a Flex Sensor works, how to interface a Flex Sensor with Arduino and finally control

In this project, we will learn about Servo Motors, Raspberry Pi Servo Motor Interface and How to Control a Servo Motor using Raspberry Pi and

In this project, we will learn about Stepper Motors, how the Raspberry Pi Stepper Motor Interface works and how to control a Stepper Motor using

Continuing further in our Raspberry Pi exploration, we will do a project on Raspberry Pi based Color Detection. In this project, we will learn about

In the previous project of the Raspberry Pi Series, I have shown you how to blink an LED using Raspberry Pi and Python Program. Moving