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How To Hide Followers On Instagram?How To Guide?

Are you trying to hide your followers on Instagram? Keeping privacy on social media can be tricky. This guide will show you how to control who sees your followers on Instagram. You might want to hide your follower list from everyone or just certain people.

Instagram does not let you hide your followers directly. But, you can make your account private. This stops people who don’t follow you from seeing your followers. What if you don’t want to make your account private? This post will give you tips on how to adjust your privacy settings. By the end of this guide, you’ll know how to use Instagram’s privacy settings to get the privacy you want.

A Guide To Instagram’s Privacy Settings

Instagram provides several privacy settings to help manage who can view your content and follower list. Understanding these settings is essential for maintaining online privacy. Here, we explain Instagram’s key privacy features and their benefits.

First, the Private Account setting is essential. When you make your account private, only followers you approve can see your posts and follower list. This setting is the simplest way to protect your activities from unwanted viewers.

Next, Story Settings allow you to control who sees your stories. You can hide your stories from certain people or share them with close friends only. This flexibility lets you share personal moments with a select group without revealing them to everyone.

Another significant setting is Activity Status. You can choose to hide your online status. This prevents unwanted interactions when you’re active on the app.

By using these settings, you can create a safer and more controlled Instagram environment. This ensures your private information stays private.

How To Hide Followers On Instagram?

1. How To Hide Followers On Instagram To Set Instagram Account Private

To make your Instagram account private, follow these steps. This will help you control who sees your followers and enhance your privacy.

  • Open your Instagram app and navigate to your profile.
  • Tap the three lines in the upper right corner and choose “Settings”.

Settings and privacy-hide follower on instagram

  • In the settings menu, select “Settings and Privacy”.
  • Find and toggle the option under “Account Privacy” to make your account private.

Account Privacy-you hide followers on instagram

  • Turn off Privacy account.

Set Instagram Account Private-private account

  • Setting your account to private means only approved followers can view your posts and follower list.
  • Note that followers added before this change can still see your followers unless you remove them manually.

2. Block A User On Instagram

To block a user on Instagram, simply prevent them from seeing your profile, posts, or followers. This is useful if you want to limit someone’s access without setting your account to private. Here are the steps to block a user effectively.

  • Go to the profile of the user you want to block by searching for their username in the Instagram search bar.
  • Tap the three dots in the upper right corner of their profile to open the options menu.

open profile to block-hide followers on instagram

  • Choose ‘Block’ from the menu. Instagram will ask you to confirm this action.

Choose block-hide follower on instagram

  • Confirm your choice to block the user. They will no longer see your posts, or followers, or find your profile through search. You will also disappear from their suggestions.

Block A User On Instagram-your followers on instagram

3. How To Remove A User From The Follower List On Instagram

Removing a user from your follower list on Instagram helps control who sees your posts and interacts with your content without fully blocking them. This discreet method lets you manage your followers easily. Here’s how to do it step-by-step..

  • Go to your profile and tap ‘Followers’ at the top of the page. This shows all your followers.
  • Use the search bar to find a specific user quickly, saving you from scrolling through many names.
  • Tap the three-dot menu next to the follower’s name and select ‘Remove’. Instagram will ask for confirmation.

select user to remove-hide follower list on instagram

  • Confirm your choice. The user will be removed from your followers without being notified and won’t see your private posts unless they follow you again and you approve it.

Remove user-your followers on instagram

Benefits And Drawbacks Of Hiding Your Followers On Instagram

Hiding your followers on Instagram can be a good strategy depending on your privacy needs. Here’s a simplified look at the pros and cons:


  • Increased Privacy: Keeping your follower list private safeguards your privacy and that of your followers. This is key for those who value discretion.
  • Reduced Harassment: Concealing your followers can help prevent harassment that comes from others checking who follows you. This is helpful for public figures or those in sensitive situations.
  • Less Social Pressure: Not showing how many followers you have can lower social pressure and competition. This makes social media a healthier place, focusing more on content than on popularity.
  • Control Over Audience: You can manage who sees your interactions. This helps in shaping your personal or professional image.


  • Decreased Transparency: Followers often show credibility and influence. Hiding them might make some question your legitimacy or content quality.
  • Social Limitations: Social media is appealing because it’s open and connects people easily. Hiding your followers can limit this, making it harder to connect with others through mutual friends.
  • Complexity In Management: Keeping your followers hidden adds complexity. You may need to update your settings often as Instagram changes its features.
  • Potential Impact On Engagement: Being visible on social networks usually boosts interactions. By hiding your followers, you might lose potential engagement that comes from visible connections.


Why am I unable to view someone’s Instagram followers?

You might not be able to see someone’s Instagram followers for several reasons. They could have set their follower list to private, allowing only approved followers to see it. Sometimes, technical issues or temporary glitches on Instagram can prevent follower lists from loading. Additionally, if the user has blocked you, you won’t be able to see their follower list or any other information on their profile.

How do you find out if you’ve been restricted by someone on Instagram?

If you think someone has restricted you on Instagram, look for these signs. Your comments on their posts might only be visible to you. You won’t see their online status or when they read your messages. Instagram doesn’t tell you if you’re restricted. To check, comment on their posts, then view the comments from another account. If your comment is missing, you might be restricted.

How to hide your followers on Instagram from friends?

Instagram doesn’t let you hide your follower list from just your friends. But you can make your account private. This will hide your follower list and posts from everyone except approved followers, including your friends. They must send a request and be accepted before they can see your followers.

How to hide your following list on Instagram without a private account?

You can’t hide your following list on Instagram if your account is public. Instagram does not have a feature to conceal your following list from others while your profile is public. Anyone can see who you follow. To hide your following list, you must set your account to private. When your account is private, only your approved followers can see your following list and profile details.


Hiding your followers on Instagram can help maintain privacy. Instagram doesn’t have a direct way to hide followers, but you can make your account private. This way, only approved followers can see your list and posts. Keeping control of your digital presence is important for online privacy.

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