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What is WSReset in Windows?

Windows users have consistently enjoyed their experience with the Microsoft Store application. This is due to the wide array of application categories available, catering to daily needs, entertainment, or specific tasks. However, there are instances when the Microsoft Store does not function as expected. Problems may arise during the download of new applications, installation on the system, or even when updating existing apps.

Fortunately, there is a solution to these issues, and it comes in the form of the WSReset.exe utility. This utility is an integral part of all Windows systems, yet many users are unaware of its existence. This article aims to shed light on various aspects of WSReset.exe, ranging from its definition to its capabilities. Additionally, it provides insights into how users can utilize this application and highlights potential issues they might encounter while employing this tool.

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What is WSReset in Windows?

The Windows operating system includes many built-in features, one of which is WSReset. WSReset stands for Windows Store Reset, but it’s commonly referred to as WSReset. These Windows services address various issues that users may encounter with the Microsoft Store, such as download failures, app data crashes, and cache-related problems. WSReset serves as an effective solution for handling these issues and offers additional capabilities, which we’ll explore in the following section.

What is the Usage of WSReset?

We learn that WSReset is a built-in service provided by Microsoft in their operating system to efficiently manage Windows Store-related issues. It possesses the ability to resolve any problems associated with your Microsoft Store. Let’s explore its capabilities:

  • Resetting Cache: A key feature of WSReset is its ability to clear unnecessary cache from the Windows Store. Simply clearing the cache can resolve issues such as app download failures, update errors, and installation-related problems.
  • Store Troubleshooter: WSReset serves as a troubleshooter tool for identifying connectivity or other issues. With this utility, anyone, regardless of technical expertise, can easily pinpoint specific issues that might be hindering the Microsoft Store from performing as expected. It not only detects issues but also seamlessly resolves them in just a few steps.
  • Refreshes the licenses: Refreshing licenses is essential for every application to adhere to specific rules and policies outlined in its licenses. If your Windows Store application encounters any license-related issues, WSReset provides an effective solution. This utility efficiently refreshes app licenses, addressing the reported issues.
  • Fixing store apps problem: It has been noticed that Microsoft Store apps sometimes fail to perform as expected. They may not initiate when launching the application file, or the application might crash or malfunction. To prevent these issues, executing WSReset can effectively rectify problems with store apps, ensuring a smooth experience without any obstacles.
  • Removing out Corrupted Data: We cannot always blame any utility or application for the malfunction of an application. Sometimes, it’s about corrupted data stored in the application, causing the mentioned issues. WSReset has the ability to clean this corrupted data without affecting the performance of other applications.
  • Reset the setting of the store: Using the WSReset utility can restore your Microsoft Store settings to their default values. This ensures a clean and fresh start for the store, promoting better performance.

How do I run WSReset exe?

As we learn, the WSReset.exe utility can effectively resolve all concerns or issues related to the Microsoft Store. Typically, caches stored in your Store are the root cause of the application not working as expected. This command has the ability to clear the settings and cache of the Microsoft Store without the need to delete or uninstall applications.

However, users may find it challenging to locate this tool or understand how to run this command on their Windows 10 and Windows 11 systems.

Here, we are not only mentioning one but three simple approaches by which you can run the WSReset.exe tool on your Windows system and enjoy all of your Microsoft Store apps without any interruption.

First Method:

  • The File Directory of the WSReset.exe is as follows “C:\Windows\System32”, Go to this folder and look for the “WSReset” File.file directory
  • Lastly, double-click on the File, This will run the utility and as soon as caches get cleared, WSReset will start the Microsoft Store as an indication that the cache is reset.

Second Method:

  • Another easier method, is to type WSReset in your Windows search bar and Right Click on the WSReset.exe command, and Click on run as “Run as Administrator”.run as administrator
  • Next, It will directly open your Microsoft store and take a few minutes to clean the cache. Once the loader stops loading, you can check your application by updating it or checking performance.

Third method:

You can launch this utility, By running this command through Command Prompt.

  • By using the “Windows + R” shortcut, you can open the command prompt on your system.
  • Lastly, Type “WSReset.exe” and Press enter to run the cmd

This will run the WSReset function for you and Clean the faulted or corrupted cache data of your Microsoft store for you.

Common Errors you may face in WsReset Error

The WsReset tool, developed by Microsoft for the Windows System, is an integrated feature. It serves to clean corrupted cache data and settings related to Microsoft Store services. This eliminates the necessity of uninstalling and reinstalling store apps.

However, if the tool encounters issues or errors, its proper functioning may be hindered. There are a few common problems associated with WsReset:

1. WSReset.exe Bad Image Error

This problem arises when the WSReset.exe file is corrupted or compromised by a source, including the presence of a virus. To address these issues, a comprehensive virus and malware scan on your devices is recommended. If the scan detects any malware affecting your system or files, it can be easily resolved. You can use the default Windows security system or opt for a third-party antivirus solution for this purpose.

2. WSReset.exe is not Running

As many are aware, the Windows system comes with a built-in antivirus or Windows security system. If this feature is enabled, there is a chance that WSReset.exe could be blocked by firewall and antivirus policies. Consequently, your system might prevent the execution of WSReset files on the Windows System. To address this, it is recommended to temporarily disable the firewall or Windows security. This step ensures that the non-execution of WSReset is solely due to firewall or antivirus blocking.

3. WSReset.exe Won’t Open and “WSReset.exe Could not be Launched. Class not Registered

Typically, this error message appears when your Microsoft Store app hasn’t registered correctly during installation. An incorrectly registered system can lead to this error. The solution to this issue is to re-register the Microsoft Store app. You can accomplish this by using the Windows PowerShell Command panel. Alternatively, you can utilize the Windows built-in Troubleshooters to resolve these errors.

4. WSReset.exe has Encountered a Problem and Needs to Close. We are Sorry for the Inconvenience

If your Microsoft Store app is malfunctioning or crashing, you may encounter this error code. Several reasons could be causing the Microsoft Store files to crash. We recommend updating the Microsoft Store application; if that’s not possible, updating the Windows operating system to the latest version should resolve these issues.

5. Cannot Find WSReset.exe

There are also error messages when your system cannot find WSReset.exe because the system is trying to locate this WSReset File, but it is missing or not present on your system. The simplest way to recover it is to restore it from the recycle bin. If not found there, downloading it from the official website is always advisable.

6. Faulting Application Path

The above-mentioned error message can prevent you from using the WSReset utility. This occurs because of an ambiguity error, indicating that the WSReset File is conflicting with another file or program. Try identifying which files or programs are interfering with WSReset, and stopping those programs can resolve these issues for you.

How to Repair WSReset.exe Not Working Windows 10?

We’ve observed various error messages related to WSReset not functioning or refusing to start. Although this situation can occur for anyone, it’s not a lasting problem that you cannot resolve without seeking assistance from a technical team.

Here are a few straightforward and widely employed solutions to consider if your WSReset is not performing as Expected.

1. Fix-1

Re-registering of the Windows store:

If you’re encountering the error message “Windows cannot find “ms-windows-store: PurgeCaches” while running WSReset.exe, it indicates a problem with the registration of your Microsoft Store. To address this issue, the ultimate solution is to re-register your Windows Store app.

To do so you can follow the below simple steps:

To start the Powershell command service on your system, Click on the Windows buttons and search for the Powershell application in the search box, and Click on it.

Write the below command in your Windows power shell, Ensure that you running the PowerShell as administrator.

PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRoot\WinStore\AppxManifest.xml

Lastly, Click on the Enter button and Try running WSReset.exe, it will surely resolve your stated issue.

2. Fix – 2

Utilizing the Windows built-in tool, the System File Checker has the capability to rectify or reinstate essential files crucial for the proper functioning of WSReset and repairing the system in the event of corruption. A comprehensive scan of your system can identify any missing or corrupted files, and subsequently, the System File Checker takes the necessary actions. Fortunately, the SFC File Checker tool is included in Windows XP, Windows 7, and versions up to Windows 11.

To conduct a system scan to fix corrupted and missing files, follow these steps:

  • Firstly, Click on the Windows button in your system taskbar.
  • Write CMD in the search box of the panel.
  • Please ensure that you do not press the enter button directly, Instead press “CTRL + Shift” along with the Enter button.
  • You will get a Confirmation prompt to run as Administrator and allow changes on your system Files, Click on “Yes” without fear.
  • Next, A black screen panel will open with a blinking cursor ending with the system register username.
  • Lastly, Type “sfc/scannow” Command and press the Enter button on the keyboard.scan program in command prompt
  • Once you hit the enter button, the System starts searching or scanning for any file issue related to WSReset.exe and any other files.
  • At last, you can follow the instructing command and complete the scanning process.It is good to know that before scanning Files the system requires an amount of time to perform a full system scan, So be sure to keep waiting until it is finished.

3. Fix – 3

If none of the suggestions above proves effective for you, our final recommendation for users is to conduct a Windows update on their system. Updating your system to the latest version ensures that any issues present in older or outdated Windows versions are fixed. Previous versions might encounter compatibility problems, bugs, or other issues, all of which can be addressed by updating the operating system.

To perform the Windows update, please follow the steps outlined below.

  • By using the shortcut “Windows + i “, Open the settings of the system.
  • Scroll down and Look for the “Windows update button” and Click on it.Windows Update
  • Now on the Right side, Click on the “Check for updates” button. If your system found any available updates for your system, Download it.
  • Lastly, Click on “Install Updates” to apply the changes to the updated Windows version.

Once it’s installed, the system will prompt you to perform a simple reboot on your system, Allow it to by clicking on the Yes button.

How to Understand if WSReset Is Safe or a Virus?

WSReset is a tool integrated into the Windows system by Microsoft. It is entirely reliable and secure in all aspects. However, due to past incidents, some users have developed doubts about this tool. This skepticism arises from instances where hackers created a facade of WSReset to infiltrate systems, initiating virus attacks or deploying other malware.

If you suspect that your WSReset.exe file may be a virus masquerading as the authentic file or if it is indeed a genuine service provided by the Windows operating system, we aim to address your concerns.

Below, we outline some diagnostic points and facts that can help differentiate and assure you of the true identity of WSReset.exe.

  • Verifying File Directory: Generally, when a hacker attempts to infiltrate your system with a malicious file or a duplicate of WSReset.exe, it replaces the authentic WSReset.exe. However, the crucial point is that the file location becomes mismatched. If it’s not in the System32 File directory, you could label it as malware or a virus.
  • Examining Resource Usage: Research indicates that major viruses significantly impact computer resources. For example, they can disrupt your RAM usage, CPU consumption, and memory utilization. To detect this, you can inspect your system resources in the task manager. If these files consume a noticeable portion of your RAM, CPU, and other resources without any active tasks, you should consider it a potential virus in such instances.
  • Verify File Size: Microsoft’s built-in tool, known as WSReset.exe, is recognized for its lightweight nature, taking up just a few kilobytes of space, with the utility’s size typically below 100 KBs. If your WSReset.exe file exceeds 100 KBs, it could indicate the presence of a virus on your system.

What if WSReset not Work and Errors are not Fixed?

If none of the previously mentioned solutions is effective for you and you continue to experience problems with WSReset.exe, and you wish to resolve these errors, consider the ultimate solution: Re-downloading the same and the latest file into the correct folder or location.

It is important to note that downloading WSReset.exe files from any random source or a local website on the internet poses risks to your system. Ensure that you obtain WSReset.exe exclusively from the Trusted source. This ensures peace of mind for users, assuring them that they have downloaded only legitimate files.

We have covered the downloading and replacing process from one of the WinPCWare.

  • The foremost Visit to the WinPCWare trusted source we are talking about, download the latest version of the WSReset.exe.
  • Once you finish downloading, Go to File Explorer and Navigate to the “C:\Windows\System32\” File directory.
  • Lastly, Paste or place the latest downloaded WSReset.exe file in the system32 folder.


In conclusion, we’ve comprehensively addressed various aspects of WSReset.exe, a tool primarily intended for troubleshooting and resolving issues associated with the Microsoft Store. When your Microsoft Store encounters problems during downloads, installations, or updates, consider using WSReset.exe. This tool is specifically crafted to eliminate such issues. Additionally, our guide covers potential challenges that may arise when running this utility.

Furthermore, we’ve addressed a common concern among users about whether WSReset.exe is a virus. By clarifying this doubt, we aim to provide a clearer understanding. By employing WSReset.exe, you can enhance your experience with the Microsoft Store, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted usage. WSReset.exe is the solution that effectively manages and resolves store-related issues for you.

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