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How Long Do GPUs Last?

Whether you are new to PCs or you have just upgraded to a new GPU for gaming on your computer, you might be wondering about how long it is going to last. Since GPUs do not come cheap, you would expect your graphics card to last for as long as possible. Thus, to help you learn about the same, we are here with a complete guide on how long do GPUs last.

Here, you will learn about the various causes which can cause a graphics card to fail. And most importantly, we will take you through some of the best ways to increase the lifespan of your GPU. So, if you want to get the most out of your graphics card, make sure to go through this guide till the end.

How Long Do GPUs Last?

How Long Do GPUs LastTalking about GPU lifespans right away, you will be glad to know that in most cases GPUs can stay functional for 5-8 years without any issues if you are taking good care of your GPU. However, long before your computer’s GPU fails, you will most likely end up upgrading it.

This is due to the reason that even if you go with a mid to high end graphics card for your computer, it will only stay relevant in terms of its performance for 3-4 years. After that, you will end up upgrading to a newer GPU if you want the best performance for running modern games.

What Causes Graphic Cards to Fail?

As mentioned earlier, your GPU can easily last for multiple years if you are taking good care of it. Although, if that is not the case, your GPU may fail much before that. And since this can be caused due to a number of reasons, here are some of the common reasons why your GPU might fail:

1) Restricted Airflow

One of the most common issues with modern GPUs is that they might be mounted in a tight spaces. If you have a compact computer case with a modern large size GPU, then the chances are that the GPU fans cannot get enough air which results in poor airflow. Since this can heat up your GPU, it may result in GPU failure.

2) Overclocked GPU

While overclocking your GPU definitely improves its performance, extreme overclocking is not stable. And overtime, it can even damage your GPU depending on your overclock settings.

3) Crypto Mining

Recently, a lot of users have been using their GPUs for crypto mining. Unfortunately, GPUs are made for gaming and crypto mining over a long period of time can damage them and even result in GPU failure.

4) Improper Thermal Paste Application

Similar to poor air flow, a poor thermal paste application inside your GPU can also overheat it. If you have removed the cooler of your GPU for cleaning or replacing with a water block, a poor thermal paste application will result in heating issues in the long run.

5) Virus Infection

Apart from hardware issues, a virus infection on your computer can potentially corrupt your hardware components including your GPU. And depending on the security updates you have installed on your PC, your GPU might be at risk because of the same.

6) Faulty GPU Fans

Whether it is completely dead GPU fans or slower ones, any issues with your GPU fans will result in improper cooling. And overtime, this will result in GPU overheating and possible GPU failure as well.

7) Excessive GPU Heating

Just like the different GPU heating possibilities mentioned earlier, if your GPU is heating up because of extensive use in gaming or other applications, that too might lead to issues down the road.

8) Poor Quality PSU

Unlike what you may think, a low quality power supply can cause power surges inside your computer which can damage various components of your computer including the GPU and potentially kill it.

9) Power Surge

Apart from the power surges caused by your computer’s power supplies, any power surges coming from the power grid can also damage your computer and its components especially if you are not using a high quality power supply.

10) Resource Hungry Applications

While GPUs are primarily used for gaming, some of you might use them for things like video editing, 3D design, graphic design, animation, and much more. However, most of these programs are quite heavy and can overwork your GPU resulting in a shorter lifespan.

11) Poor Maintenance

Just like any other electronics device, your PC and its GPU also require regular maintenance in terms of cleaning. And if you are not doing the same, it can cause all kinds of damage to your GPU overtime.

12) Poor Case Airflow

Apart from restricted GPU fans, the fans of your PC case might also result in GPU failure if they are not working properly. If you have poor case airflow, your whole PC will overheat including the GPU resulting in various issues.

13) Clogged Up GPU

Another common reason behind facing GPU heating issues is a clogged up GPU. If your GPU is filled with dust, then it will overheat even if the fans are running at full speed. And any kind of heating issues can potentially kill your GPU over time.

14) Manufacture Issues

In some cases, your GPU might come with manufacturing issues which you may find out only when the warranty period is over. And in such a case, there is not a lot that you can do to fix your GPU.

15) Wear & Tear Over Time

Last but not least, even if you are doing everything right, your GPU will still go through normal wear and tear over time. Thankfully, this only happens in 5-8 years which is long enough for most users.

How can you Increase GPU Lifespan?

Now that you know all of the possible reasons behind GPU failure, you would want your GPU to last for as long as possible. And for the same, it is recommended to keep a few things in mind including the following tips for increasing your GPU lifespan:

1) Avoid Crypto Mining

Because GPUs are primarily made for gaming, you should stick to that and avoid crypto mining. If you want to do the same, then there are other hardware devices available for the same.

2) Change Graphics Settings in Games

If your GPU is overheating quite a lot and running at 100%, you should consider lowering your game graphics settings to a more comfortable level in a way that it doesn’t affect your gaming experience.

3) Improve Case Airflow

To improve the temperatures of your GPU, you should first improve the overall temperatures and airflow of your PC’s case. For the same, consider adding more fans and changing fan curves of your PC.

4) Monitor GPU Temperature

In order to ensure that your GPU is not overheating, you should monitor the GPU temperature. You can either use Windows Task Manager for this or install third party programs like Open Hardware Monitor on your PC.

5) Moderate Overclocking Settings

Even if you are overclocking your GPU for improved performance, make sure that you are only using moderate overclocking settings. Because anything extreme will cause issues later on.

6) Set FPS Limits

Depending on the game that you are playing and the refresh rate of your monitor, it is highly likely that your GPU is rendering more frames than it needs to. Thus, you should consider setting a FPS limit in a way that you are getting a smooth gameplay experience without running your GPU at 100%.

7) A High-Quality PSU

If you have an entry level PSU with a high end GPU, then you should upgrade it right away since a high quality PSU will offer much better surge protection and high quality power delivery to your GPU.

8) Switch to an SSD

In case your PC has a slower HDD, your GPU will have to wait longer for game files to load which can make it process it more. Hence, by switching to an SSD drive, you can lower the load on your GPU and make it work more efficiently.

9) Cleaning your GPU Regularly

Because dusty GPUs can overheat quite easily, you should clean your GPU regularly. Depending on how dusty your place gets, you should clean your GPU every 6 to 12 months to prevent any major dust buildup.

10) Update GPU Drivers

To ensure that your GPU is performing its best, make sure that you are using the latest GPU drivers. This not only ensures proper stability but also offers you the latest GPU features on your PC.

11) Checking GPU Compatibility

Whether you are upgrading your GPU or any other component inside your computer, make sure that it is completely compatible with your GPU and vice versa. Because incompatible hardware components can cause stability issues over time.

12) Monitor GPU Performance

Lastly, you should regularly monitor your GPU’s performance and see how well it is performing. You can use programs like Open Hardware Monitor for the same which can help you diagnose any issues with your GPU.

How Long Do GPUs Last – FAQs

1. How often should you replace your GPU?

Ans: If you are using your computer for gaming, then a high end CPU can easily last for 8 to 10 years without becoming obsolete in terms of its performance. On the other hand, even a high end GPU will start showing its age in 3-4 years after which you should consider upgrading the same if you want to run the latest games with the best experience.

2. How often do you need to clean your graphics card?

Ans: Even though this depends on your environment and how much dust there is in your place, it is still recommended to clean your GPU every 6 to 12 months. This will ensure that there is no dust build up in your GPU which can cause overheating and lead to various issues down the line.

3. What is the ideal temperature range of a GPU during operation?

Ans: Depending on the GPU model that you are using, most GPUs won’t run into any issues as long as they are running below 90 degree Celsius. However, beyond that point, your graphics card may run into thermal throttling issues which can be an issue for many since you will be losing performance.

4. Is it possible to use older GPUs for non-gaming purposes?

Ans: While an older 800 series or 900 series GPU from Nvidia will not be able to run modern AAA titles, it can still be used in your computer. There are various applications for older graphics cards including basic video output, video editing, 3D design, graphics design, and pretty much any other program which requires hardware acceleration.


While there are various components inside your computer, the CPU and GPU are the two most important ones especially if you use your PC for gaming. And the last thing you would want in your PC is to have a GPU failure. So, if you are new to PCs, you may want to know about how long GPUs last. Thus, we have already given a detailed guide on how long do graphics cards last up above. We have even given some of the best ways to increase the lifespan of your GPU with ease. If this article has helped you in learning more about GPU lifespan, make sure to leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section down below.

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