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How to Change Airdrop Name?

We have witnessed a sudden increase in iPhone and iOS users over the past few years. The key to this success lies in their operating system’s high-end features and functionalities.

One such immensely popular built-in feature benefiting iPhone users is “AirDrop.” It allows users to transfer various types of files effortlessly, be it images, PDFs, XLSX files, or any other file format, regardless of their size.

However, users often struggle when attempting to change their AirDrop device’s hosting name. To address this issue, we present a comprehensive guide that covers every aspect of changing your AirDrop name.

What is Airdrop?

airdropApple Inc. designs the Airdrop protocol to exchange files, images, documents, and more among Apple devices within a specific range. This feature is available for devices running on both IOS and MAC OS operating systems. To utilize this feature, the device you wish to share files with must be within the range limited to the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth coverage area. The Airdrop protocol utilizes Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technologies to facilitate high-speed file sharing, and in some cases, NFC needs to be turned on.

In terms of security, Airdrop employs TLS encryption for Wi-Fi connections when sharing files. It is important to note that Airdrop can only be accessed by users using IOS7 and above versions. Additionally, this feature offers multiple customizable options. Users can choose from the following options: “No one can see,” “Contacts can only be visible,” “Sharing is possible with saved contacts only,” and “Everyone can share and see the device.” These options empower users to restrict unwanted file sharing from unknown devices within the range.

How to Turn on Airdrop?

Enabling Airdrop on Apple devices is a simple process that can be accomplished in just 2 or 3 steps. Let’s explore how to enable it on different Apple devices, one at a time.

1. iPhone:

Before enabling Airdrop, ensure that two essential features, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, are turned on. Without these, you won’t be able to proceed, and your hotspot will remain off while sharing files with Airdrop on iOS devices. To enable Airdrop on iOS devices, follow the steps below:

  1. Swipe down from the upper-right corner or swipe up from the bottom corner to access the Control Centre.
  2. Locate the container that includes Wi-Fi and Airplane mode options, then press and hold on it.
  3. The “Airdrop” option will be visible now. Tap and hold on it.
  4. A window will appear with three customizable options:

– Receiving Off

– Share with Contacts

– Share with Everyone.

Choose your desired option, and now your Airdrop feature will be enabled. You can now send files from any app or the Photos app by clicking on the “share” button.

2. iPad:

Enabling Airdrop for the iPad user, follows the same steps as the iPhone since both devices run on the same operating system. Here are the steps:

  1. Swipe down from the upper-right corner or swipe up from the bottom corner to access the Control Centre.
  2. Tap and hold the container that includes hotspots and Wi-Fi options.
  3. Press and hold the Airdrop button.
  4. Choose the specific sharing option you want.

With these steps, you have successfully enabled Airdrop on your iPad.

3. Mac:

Enabling Airdrop on a Mac is even simpler than the iPhone procedure. However, don’t forget to turn on your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth first. These are prerequisites before using Airdrop to send files. Follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the Control Centre button in the topmost menu bar or right-click anywhere on the desktop.
  2. Click on the “Go” button From the topmost of the Desktop page, and the Airdrop option will become available. Make sure the Toggle switch is ON.
  3. Finally, click on the “Allow me to be discovered by” option.
  4. Select from the dropdown menu the option for whom you want to allow sharing.

Alternatively, for older version devices, you can also access Airdrop through the Finder window and then the Airdrop folder.

You can easily turn on Airdrop on your Apple devices by following these steps. Happy sharing!

How to Change the Airdrop Name?

We seek a solution for this issue because the default names for every Apple device are “iPhone” and “iPad.” Consequently, when sharing files, you may encounter multiple devices with the same names, as other nearby devices may have enabled sharing. This uncertainty can confuse. Therefore, customizing your host device name is a cool idea to eliminate this confusion. Also, giving your devices some creative names can make you stand out.

We have outlined a step-by-step procedure for changing the Airdrop name on each Apple device below:

1. iPhone:

Changing the Airdrop name on the iPhone is different from doing so on the iPad. Attempting to change the Airdrop name from settings will not work; instead, you must modify your contact card, as your iPhone Airdrop is linked to your contacts. Consequently, any changes made in the contact board will also affect your Airdrop name.

Here are the steps for changing the Airdrop name on an iPhone:

  1. Open the “Phone App” and click on the “Contact” option at the bottom center.
  2. Locate your first name From the top-most of the Contact page and click on it.
  3. Press the “Edit” option.
  4. Select the name field and enter the updated name you wish to display on Airdrop.
  5. Finally, click on the “Done” button to apply your changes.

Note: This method will only apply when other devices already have your contact saved. If other devices do not have your saved card, changing the device name through settings is best. You can achieve this by following these steps: Go to Settings >> General >> About >> Name.

2. iPad:

Changing the Airdrop name for the iPad user is a simpler process than iPhones. All you need to do is change your device name, and it will automatically update everywhere, including your Wi-Fi name.

Here are the simple steps to change the Airdrop name  for the iPad Device user:

  1. Go to the “Settings” of your iPad device.
  2. Click on the “General” button.
  3. Now, press “About.”
  4. Select the existing name and click to enter the desired name for Airdrop.
  5. Click “Done” to save the changes.

3. Mac:

If you are using an Apple Mac, you might notice that the name displayed on Airdrop while sharing files is “Unknown.” However, this is actually your Mac’s name. Changing the Airdrop name on a Mac is quite simple and can be done in seconds by following these steps:

  1. Click on the Apple icon located in the upper left corner.
  2. Then, go to “System Preferences” or “System Preferences” (depending on the version).
  3. Select “General” from the left-side bar.
  4. Go to “About.”
  5. Select the name field and enter the updated name.
  6. Your Airdrop name is now successfully changed.

By following these steps, you can easily customize the Airdrop names on your Apple devices, avoiding confusion and making them more distinguishable.

What To Do If We are Unable to See Other Devices?

Now that we have learned all the basics of how to change your Airdrop name, let’s address the issue of not being able to see available devices in Airdrop for sharing. Without selecting other devices, you cannot proceed with sharing.

To troubleshoot this problem, we have sorted some basic steps that may be the reason behind this issue. The first step we recommend is checking if your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are enabled. Additionally, ensure that you and the other device are within a range of 9 meters. Another possible reason could be that your Hotspot remains turned on, causing disturbances in searching for new devices in Airdrop.

Furthermore, verify whether your sending option is set to “Contact only” and if both devices have not saved each other’s contact information. In such cases, you need to switch this option to “Everyone” so that any user or device, even those not saved in your contacts, can send files via Airdrop and be visible to you.

Lastly, make sure that Airdrop is enabled on your Mac and iPad.

By following these steps, you can resolve the issue of not seeing other devices in Airdrop for sharing.

How to Change Airdrop Name – FAQs

1. Where do AirDrop photos go?

Ans: For iPhone users, all the photos you receive via Airdrop can be easily found in the Photos app, which serves as the default location for such transferred images. It is straightforward to understand that any file sent through Airdrop will be directed to the related iPhone app that handles the same type of file. For instance, if a contact is sent via Airdrop, it will appear in the Contacts app.
Now, turning our attention to Mac users, every file sent via Airdrop, including photos, will be located in the “Download” folder.

2. Does airdrop reveal your phone number when sending something?

Ans: Airdrop ensures that your real contact number is never disclosed to anyone you share files with. Instead of transmitting the actual number, it sends encrypted data in the form of a “hash,” which converts your number into bytes. This approach is employed for security purposes, to prevent any potential attacks on your personal details.

3. Can you AirDrop without Wi-Fi or Bluetooth?

Ans: The answer is no. The reason is that Airdrop utilizes these two features to send your files seamlessly. Even if you have turned off your Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, you won’t be able to proceed further.

4. How long does it take to update an airdrop name?

Ans: You don’t need to wait once you have changed your Airdrop names; the changes will be reflected instantly. However, in certain instances, there might be a slight delay. If you encounter such a delay, you can resolve it by simply restarting your device once. This will ensure that you get the desired results.


We are concluding our discussion where we learned how to modify the AirDrop name visible to other devices, including your own, on iPhone, iPad, and Mac. We trust that this newfound knowledge will prevent any future confusion when searching for AirDrop names, as you now possess a customized name. Enjoy seamless sharing!

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