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How To Add A Page On Google Docs? (PC & Mobile)

Ever get to the end of your Google Doc and realize…whoops, need more space? We’ve all been there. You’re jamming away on a project, your ideas are flowing, and then…bam! You hit the bottom of the page. Don’t worry, adding a new page in Google Docs is a breeze. This quick guide will show you exactly how to do it, so you can keep your creative juices flowing without missing a beat.Google DOC

How To Add Another Page On Google Docs On PC?

Google Docs offers several ways to add another page to your document, making it easy to tailor your document’s layout to your needs. In this section, we’ll explore the different methods available when using Google Docs on a PC, allowing you to efficiently manage your document’s flow and structure.

1. By Using Page Break

With the help of a page break, you can insert a new page at a specific point in your document. This method is useful when you want to start a new section or chapter on a fresh page. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Open your Google Docs document.
  • Move your cursor to where you want the new page.
  • Click on “Insert” at the top menu.

Click on Insert Tab - Create Page on Google Docs

  • Choose “Break” from the dropdown menu.

Select Break option - Add new page (google Doc)

  • Click on “Page break” from the options presented. This will add a new page, separating your content.

Select Page break - Add page(google Doc)

Alternatively, you can use the following keyboard shortcut keys to use “Page Break”:

  • Position your cursor at the desired location where the new page should begin.
  • Press “Ctrl + Enter” on Windows or “Cmd + Enter” on Mac.

Press Ctrl + Enter - Keyboard shortcut to add new page (google Doc)

2. By Using Section Break

Another way to add a new page in Google Docs on your PC is by using a section break. This lets you begin a new section or chapter on a fresh page in your document. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Click where you want the new section and page to start.
  • Go to the “Insert” menu at the top.
  • Hover over “Break.”
  • Choose “Section break (Next page)” from the submenu.

Select Section Break (alternative) - Insert new page (google doc)

3. By Using The Format Tab

Adding another page in Google Docs on your PC can also be achieved by utilizing the Format tab. Here’s how:

  • Place your cursor where you want the page break in your Google Doc.
  • Go to the “Format” tab in the top menu.
  • Click on “Line & Paragraph Spacing.

Choose Line & Paragraph Spacing - Place new page :Google Doc

  • Select “Add Page Break Before” from the options.

Select Add Page Break Before - Add page on Google Doc

How To Add Another Page On Google Docs On Mobile?

Creating a new page in Google Docs on your phone is easy and can help you keep your document neat. To do that, just follow these steps:

  • Open the Google Docs Android app.
  • Find the document where you want to add a new page
  • Tap the blue pencil button located in the corner to enter the editing mode.
  • Position your cursor to where you want the new page to start.
  • Look for the “+” button at the top and tap on it.
  • Tap “Page break” from the options that appear.

Create a new page on Google Docs - Mobile

Add A Page On Google Docs – FAQs

1. Is it possible to add a page break without starting a new section in Google Docs?

Ans: Yes, inserting a page break doesn’t necessarily start a new section by default. If you want to maintain the same section but need to add a new page within it, the page break option (Ctrl + Enter or Command + Enter) is the way to do it.

2. How can I remove a blank page that I’ve added accidentally in Google Docs?

Ans: To delete a blank page, place your cursor at the beginning of the page you want to delete. Press Backspace or Delete until the content moves up and the page disappears. Another method is to go to the top menu, and click on “View” > “Print layout.” This will allow you to see any hidden page breaks, and you can delete the extra page accordingly.

3. Does Google Docs support automatic page numbering for new pages?

Ans: Yes, you can insert page numbers into your document. Go to the top menu and click on “Insert” > “Page numbers.” You can choose the format and position of the page numbers in your document.

4. Can I customize the size of the pages in Google Docs?

Ans: Google Docs defaults to standard letter-sized pages (8.5 x 11 inches). While you can’t directly change the page size, you can use the “File” menu and select “Page setup” to adjust margins, orientation, and size settings.


That’s all you need! With a simple page break, you’ve got all the space you need to craft your masterpiece in Google Docs. Whether you’re writing a lengthy report, a creative story, or anything in between, Google Docs makes it easy to add pages as you go.  Don’t worry about running out of room – just follow the steps above and keep your ideas flowing freely. Happy writing!

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