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How To Turn Off Autoplay On YouTube?

If you’ve ever found yourself diving down a rabbit hole of videos on YouTube, you know the autoplay feature well. Autoplay in YouTube automatically plays the next video in line after the current one finishes. This can be helpful for continuous viewing but can also be annoying when you just want to watch a single video. In this guide, you’ll learn how to stop autoplay on YouTube, both on desktop and mobile devices. We’ll cover the steps for disabling autoplay on YouTube through various methods, ensuring you have full control over your viewing experience. No more unwanted recommendations, just intentional viewing –  let’s get started!!!

What Is Autoplay Feature On YouTube?

The autoplay feature on YouTube is designed to keep users engaged by automatically playing the next video in the queue. When one video ends, another begins without requiring any input from the viewer. This can be convenient for those who want a continuous stream of content but can be intrusive for users who prefer to watch videos selectively.

Autoplay is enabled by default, which means it can catch users off guard, leading to wasted time or unwanted data usage. Additionally, autoplay can sometimes suggest content that might not be relevant or appropriate. Disabling autoplay in youTube can help you manage your time better and ensure that only the content you choose plays.

How To Turn Off YouTube Autoplay On Desktop

Disabling autoplay on YouTube desktop is straightforward and ensures you have control over what plays next. Follow these steps to stop autoplay on YouTube:

  • Open YouTube: Start by opening YouTube in your web browser and logging in if you’re not already.
  • Play A Video: Play any video you want to watch.
  • Hover Over The Video: Hover the arrow over the video currently playing to display the various player options.
  • Find The Autoplay Switch: On the right bottom side of the video player, you’ll see an autoplay switch. It’s located just before the CC icon.

Autoplay Switch-stop autoplay youtube

  • Turn Off Autoplay: By default, the switch shows as enabled. Click on the switch to turn it off. You’ll notice the toggle shaded out and the video icon turned into a pause icon.

Turn Off Autoplay-disable autoplay youtube

If you want to enable autoplay on YouTube again, simply click the switch to turn it back on. Once you turn off autoplay, it will apply to all videos you play, ensuring that you won’t have to keep turning it off for each new video.

How To Stop Autoplay On YouTube Mobile App (iOS & Android)

Similar to the web version, you can also disable autoplay on the YouTube mobile app. However, the user interface will vary slightly. Here’s how to stop autoplay on YouTube using your mobile device:

Turn Off Autoplay Using On-Video Toggle Option

  • Open The YouTube App: Launch the YouTube app on your mobile device.
  • Play A Video: Start playing any video.
  • Locate The Autoplay Toggle: At the top of the video player, you’ll see an autoplay toggle.
  • Toggle Off Autoplay: Tap the switch to disable autoplay. The switch will change, showing that autoplay is now off.

switch off autoplay-youtube turn autoplay off

This method ensures that autoplay is disabled for any video you watch on the YouTube mobile app. It’s a quick and easy way to control your viewing experience without diving into settings.

Note: Unlike on a web browser, this feature may reset after 30 minutes of inactivity on mobile networks and 4 hours on Wi-Fi networks.

Turn Off Autoplay Using The Settings Menu

YouTube mobile app also offers a way to disable autoplay on YouTube through the settings menu. The process is the same whether you’re using an Android device or an iPhone/iPad. Here’s how to do it:

  • Launch The YouTube App: Launch the YouTube app on your mobile device.
  • Access Settings: Tap on your profile picture in the lower right corner and select the settings icon located at the top right corner.

Settings-disable autoplay in youtube

  • Find Autoplay: In the settings menu, find and tap on “Autoplay.”
  • Turn Off Autoplay: Toggle the switch to turn off autoplay next to mobile phone/tablet. The change will reflect across your account.

Turn Off Autoplay On YouTube

By using the settings menu, you ensure a consistent experience, as autoplay will remain off until you decide to turn it back on. This method provides a more permanent solution for stopping YouTube autoplay across all videos you watch.

How To Disable Autoplay On The Home And Subscriptions Feed?

If you’ve ever noticed that videos on your home subscription feed play automatically whenever you open YouTube, whether you’re connected to WiFi or mobile internet, it can be annoying and lead to unnecessary mobile data usage. However, you can disable autoplay if you want to have more control over your viewing experience. Here’s how:

  • Access YouTube Settings: Go to YouTube settings by tapping on your profile picture and then the settings icon on your YouTube app.
  • Navigate To General Settings: In the settings menu, tap on “General.”
  • Find Playback In Feeds: Scroll down in general settings until you find “Playback in Feeds” and tap on it.

Playback in Feeds-disable autoplay youtube

  • Choose Off Option: A pop-up will appear with three options: “Always On,” “Wi-Fi Only,” and “Off.” Choose the “Off” option if you want to turn off autoplay on your home feed on YouTube.

Choose Off Option-stopping youtube autoplay

And that’s it! By following these steps, you can ensure that autoplay is disabled on your home and subscriptions feed.

Benefits of Turning Off Autoplay On YouTube

Disabling autoplay on YouTube offers several benefits that can enhance your viewing experience:

  • Save Data Usage: Autoplaying videos can consume mobile data, especially if you’re not on WiFi. Turning off autoplay helps conserve data, reducing unexpected charges.
  • Control Over Viewing: By disabling autoplay, you have control over what videos play next. This prevents YouTube from automatically playing content that may not be of interest to you.
  • Reduced Distractions: Autoplay can lead to distractions, pulling you into watching more videos than intended. Turning it off helps you stay focused on selected content.
  • Improved Battery Life: Constantly playing videos can drain your device’s battery. Disabling autoplay helps extend battery life by reducing unnecessary video playback.
  • Privacy And Security: Autoplaying videos can sometimes show content that you might not want others to see. Disabling autoplay ensures that only videos you intentionally select play on your screen.


Can I turn off Autoplay for suggested videos only on YouTube?

No, you cannot turn off Autoplay for suggested videos only on YouTube. You can either turn Autoplay off completely or leave it on.

Does turning off Autoplay also turn off previews on YouTube?

No, turning off Autoplay will not turn off video previews. Previews are short snippets of videos that play when you hover over them with your mouse on your desktop. You can disable previews in your YouTube settings, but this is a separate setting from Autoplay.

Is there a way to turn off Autoplay on YouTube for specific devices only?

No, YouTube’s Autoplay setting is universal across all your devices. You can’t disable it for just one device like your phone and keep it on for your computer. It’s either on or off for your entire account.

What happens if I turn off Autoplay during a YouTube live stream?

Turning off Autoplay during a live stream on YouTube won’t affect the current live broadcast. You’ll continue to see the live stream as normal. However, once the live stream finishes, Autoplay won’t nudge you towards any related content. The video will simply end, and you’ll be looking at the post-stream screen.


Taking control of autoplay is a small step towards a more mindful YouTube experience. By choosing what you watch next, you can avoid distractions and focus on the content you truly desire. This allows for deeper engagement with the videos you select and a more intentional approach to consuming information and entertainment on YouTube. So turn off autoplay, take a breath, and choose what ignites your curiosity!

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