We are all well known that a Microcontroller is a compressed micro computer manufactured to control the functions of embedded systems in office machines, robots, home appliances, motor vehicles and a number of other gadgets.
On the other hand, we are also well aware about one of the most using microcontrollers – 8051 Microcontroller. It is an 8-bit family microcontroller and is widely used in various devices because it is easy to integrate into a project or build a device around. It is mainly used in energy management, touch screens, automobiles, medical devices, etc. As a result, many electronics engineering students are trying to do their final year projects based on 8051 microcontroller.
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So, here we are listing out various 8051 Microcontroller Projects which are all collected from different sources and will give a better idea to you in choosing best project in your final year.
8051 Microcontroller Projects Ideas:
- Interfacing GPS with 8051 Microcontroller: In this interfacing of GPS with 8051 circuit, GPS module calculates the position by reading the signals that are transmitted by satellites.
- Water Level Controller using 8051 Microcontroller: This circuit helps to detect and control the water level in an overhead tank or any other container. This system monitors the water level of the tank and automatically switches ON the motor whenever tank is empty.
- Bidirectional Visitor Counter using 8051 Microcontroller: The main intention is to design a system wherein the number of persons entering or leaving a room is displayed on a screen.
- Stepper Motor Control using 8051 Microcontroller: The main principle of this circuit is to rotate the stepper motor step wise at a particular step angle. The ULN2003 IC is used to drive the stepper motor as the controller cannot provide current required by the motor.
- Password Based Door Locking System using 8051: This system demonstrates a password based door lock system wherein once the correct code or password is entered, the door is opened and the concerned person is allowed access to the secured area. After some time, the door would close. Again if another person arrives and fails to enter the correct password, the door would remain closed, denying access to the person.
- Noncontact Digital Tachometer using 8051: Here we design a simple non contact tachometer using microcontroller which can measure speed with an accuracy of 1 rev/sec.
- 8 Channel Quiz Buzzer using 8051 Microcontroller: The circuit is a simple embedded system with a set of 8 push buttons being the input devices, a microcontroller as the controller and the output devices being a buzzer and a display. We can use it at schools, colleges, games, etc.
- Interfacing 16X2 LCD with 8051 Microcontroller: This is a simple circuit which helps to know about how to interface 16×2 LCD module to AT89C51which is a 8051 family microcontroller. We use LCD display for the messages for more interactive way to operate the system or displaying error messages etc.
- Digital Voltmeter using 8051 Microcontroller: This is a simple digital voltmeter circuit designed using 8051 microcontroller and is mainly used to directly display the voltage in digits with the help of analog to digital converter.
- Ultrasonic Rangefinder using 8051: This circuit explains you how to measure the distance using 8051 microcontroller. This ultrasonic range finder system measures the distance up to 2.5 meters at accuracy of 1 cm.
- 5 Channel IR Remote Control System using Microcontroller: This article is aimed to design and demonstrate a simple 5 channel remote control system to drive five loads. The circuit works on the principle of IR communication.
- Celsius Scale Thermometer using 8051: This circuit works on the principle of analog to digital conversion. This article demonstrates the design, development and operation of the Celsius scale thermometer using LM35 and microcontroller AT89C51.
- Bipolar LED Driver Circuit: This is a simple bi color LED driver circuit designed using a Microcontroller. This circuit can be used at applications where flashing of light is required, as in beacon flashing.
- Interfacing Segment Display to 8051 Microcontroller: This article describes you how to interface seven segments to AT89C51 microcontroller. This system displays the digits from 0 to 9 continuously with a predefined delay.
- LC Meter using 555 Timer: This is a simple LC Meter circuit designed using 555 Timer and 8051 microcontroller. It is mainly used to measure value of a reactive element like a capacitor or an inductor.
- LED Interfacing with 8051: The main principle of this circuit is to interface LEDs to the 8051 family micro controller. Commonly, used LEDs will have voltage drop of 1.7v and current of 10mA to glow at full intensity. This is applied through the output pin of the micro controller.
- DC Motor Interfacing with 8051 Microcontroller: Here is a simple but very useful circuit in our real life named interfacing DC motor with 8051 microcontroller. It describes you how to control the DC motor using AT89C51 controller.
- Delay using 8051 Timers: In this project a precise time delay is produced for blinking LEDs at a particular rate using internal timer of the microcontroller. This project compares both simulation and hardware implemented results for analyzing the delay concept.
- Wireless message Communication between Two Computers : This project helps to enable the wireless communication between two PCs with highly secured encrypted data using Zigbee technology. Microcontroller based unit along with PC and Zigbee module at both transmission end and receiver end enables the two way communication between the PCs.
- Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM: This project uses 8051 microcontroller as central processing unit to display the message on LCD which resembles the real-time electronic notice board. GSM modem attached to this circuit enables the user to update the information on display by sending SMS from his/her mobile.
- War Field Spying Robot with Night Vision Camera: This project deals with the design of spying robot which can capture the video and audio information from the enemyÂ’s territory using attached wireless camera. This robotic vehicle can be controlled remotely using RF communication technology. 8051 microcontroller in the robotic vehicle acts as the heart of this circuit.
- GSM and GPS Based Vehicle Location and Tracking System: This project aims to determine and track the position of the vehicle using GPS module. This location information is transferred to the remote mobile via GSM module. This project is constructed with the use of basic 8051 microcontroller.
- Underground Cable Fault Distance Locator: The aim of this project is to determine the exact location of the fault by implementing the concept of Ohms law. 8051 microcontroller along with ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) detect the voltage change in the cable whenever short circuit fault takes place in the cable.
- TV Remote Operated Domestic Appliances Control: In this project, a TV remote is used as remote controller for operating the electrical loads such as fans, bulbs and other home appliances. IR receiver with 8051 microcontroller receives the RC5 code sent from the TV remote and accordingly switches the loads.
- Intelligent Traffic Light Control System using 8051 Microcontroller: This project replaces the conventional timer based traffic light control system by using IR sensors and 8051 microcontroller. This cost-effective system controls the traffic light depends on the presence of vehicles including emergency vehicles.
- Smart Phone Based Home Appliance Control : The objective of this project is to control the household appliances from user touch screen based mobile. A Bluetooth module attached with the microcontroller unit receives the control commands from user smart phone and accordingly switches the home appliances.
- Temperature controlled Fan using 8051 microcontroller: This project deals with controlling of fan speed depends on the temperature. This system uses temperature sensor to acquire temperature data via ADC. The microcontroller gets the temperature data, compares it with set limit values and controls the fan speed by sending control commands to the triggering circuit of TRIAC.
- Automated Toll Plaza System using RFID: This project automates the toll collecting system using RFID technology. The 8051 microcontroller reads the RFID tag of each vehicle detects the vehicle information and deducts the amount at the toll gates.
- A Smart Anti-theft System for Vehicle Security : The purpose of this project is to implement an anti-vehicle theft control system by using 8051 microcontroller along with GSM module. IR sensor and triggering circuit gives the stolen information to the microcontroller which generate and sends SMS to the owner via GPS and GSM modules.
- Android Mobile Phone Controlled Bluetooth Robot Using 8051 Microcontroller: The objective of this project is to build a robot vehicle which can be controlled through android mobile application (APP). In this, Bluetooth is used as interface between robot and android. Robotic vehicle controller is implemented by 8051 microcontroller which directs the robot in desired path by receiving signals from Bluetooth module.
- Design of Stepper Motor Position Control System Using Atmel 85c51 Microcontroller: This performs the position control of stepper motor using 8051 microcontroller. The ADC is interfaced with microcontroller to set position of step-angle of the motor. This design gives the accurate control of motor by properly programming the microcontroller.
- SVPWM Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation: In this project, Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) technique of a three level voltage inverter is developed using 8051 microcontroller. This output has large number of switching states and reduced low order harmonic components.
- Multi Level Car Parking by using Microcontroller and LabVIEW: This project aims to build a multi-level car parking system by using set of IR sensors placed in various parking slots. Microcontroller acquires IR sensors data and then transfers to the LabVIEW. LabVIEW process this data and gives the display of empty slots on GUI.
- Sun Tracking System using Microcontroller 8051: This system maximizes the output power from the solar panel using 8015 microcontroller with LDR and stepper motor. This project achieves the accurate tracking of the sun which continuously senses the light and accordingly controls the stepper motor so that PV panel is positioned towards maximum sunlight.
- Stopwatch using 8051 Microcontroller: The purpose of this project is to build a simple stopwatch using microcontroller that gives the time elapsed between two events. This project uses 8051, seven segment display, Pushbuttons and buzzer as primary components.
- Automated Student Attendance Governing System: This project implements the automated student attendance system using RFID technology. In this, RFID tag is given to the every student which consists of basic information of the student. RFID reader along with microcontroller unit reads the data and compares with stored data. Further microcontroller logs the attendance data in the PC.
- Designing a Microcontroller Based Temperature Data Logger: This project implements an embedded instrument which records the temperature data over a period of time. The main elements of this design include temperature sensor, 8051 microcontroller and EEPROM. This data logger continuously monitors and records the temperature data over a period of time which will be useful for analyzing the results for future course of actions.
- Speed Control of a DC Motor Using Microcontroller 8051: The main aim of this project is to control the speed of DC motor by implementing Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique using 8051 microcontroller. In this design, switches are provided in the circuit to control the desired speed.
- Speed Checker to Detect Rash Driving on Highways: This proposed project checks the rash driving of vehicles based on their speed using IR sensors. These sensors are placed at two different points so that vehicle travel time between these two points determines the vehicle speed. Microcontroller is used as heart of this circuit which measures the speed in RPM by receiving signals from IR sensors.
- Street Light Automatic Intensity Controller: The main aim of this project is to save the energy of street lights by reducing their intensity gradually from peak hours to late nights. In this, set of LEDs are connected to the control circuit which resembles real-time street lights. 8051 microcontroller is programmed in such a way that it produce PWM signals to vary the intensity of LED lights.
- Flood Intimation using Zigbee and GSM for Railways: This project is designed to detect the floods on the railway tracks using level and flood water sensors. 8051 microcontroller acquires the data from these sensors and sends this information to train driver as well as railway authorities using GSM and Zigbee modules.
- Solar Based Automatic Irrigation System: This project combines solar tracking system and automatic water pumping system for achieving solar based irrigation system. LDR sensor senses the sunlight and gives the input signal to the microcontroller. Depends the intensity, microcontroller adjust the solar panel direction towards the sun. Also, soil moisture sensor detects the moisture content and gives the input signal to the microcontroller which further switches the pump.
- Seven-Segment Based Alarm Clock Using 8051 Microcontroller: This project aims to design an alarm clock which awakes or reminds the user about something by generating alarm. A set of switches are attached to 8051 microcontroller unit which facilitates to set the alarm or remainder. Microcontroller output drives seven-segment display and buzzer in order to give the time display and alarm respectively.
- RFID Based Security System using Microcontroller: This project identifies the person or object using RFID technology to distinguish between authorized and unauthorized persons or objects. The RFID reader with microcontroller unit reads the RFID tag which is given to the user. This data is compared with data stored in the memory and then displays the authorized or unauthorized person message on LCD display.
- Voice Recognition Wireless Home Automation System Based on Zigbee: The objective of this project is to control the home appliances through voice commands using speech recognition module. This project consists of transmitter and receiver circuits both of which consists of 8051 microcontroller to process the data. Zigbee communication modules are used in these circuits to transmit the data from transmitter to receiver.
- GSM based Automatic Energy Meter Reading: This project implements an Automatic Metering Reading (AMR) System using GSM technology. This GSM module with microcontroller unit continuously measures the energy consumption by the load and records in database. This energy data is further send to the utility companies on request or hourly or monthly.
- Microcontroller Based Automatic Door and Visitor Counter: The objective of this project is to implement an automatic door opening system by detecting the human presence besides visitor counter facility. 8051 microcontroller gets PIR sensor input when it detects the human presence at doors. Then the microcontroller sends the control signals to motor driver circuit to operate the door and also it increments the visitor counter display by 1.
- Automatic Railway Gate Controlling and Signaling: This project controls the traffic lights at railway level crossing and also the level crossing gate operation using IR sensors. A set of IR sensors along the track at enter and exit points of level crossing gate gives the input to the microcontroller. The microcontroller process these signals and controls the traffic lights and also gate operation.
- The Design and Construction of a Low Cost Propeller LED Display: This project implements a special kind of moving message or circular LED display using microcontroller. This project uses the space multiplexing principle to display the characters in digital format. A set of LEDs, microcontroller unit, position encoder and DC motor are the primary components of this design.
- Automatic College Bell using 8051 Microcontroller: The purpose of this project is to replace the manual switching of the bell in schools/colleges with automatic system of bell switching using microcontroller. Microcontroller with real time clock stores the predefined bell timings in memory. Therefore, microcontroller turns the relays to switch the bell for particular bell timings.
- Automatic Substation Load Shedding and Sharing using Programmable Switching : This project demonstrates the load shedding and sharing in substations using programmable switching. This project uses microcontroller and it is programmed in such a way that it operates in three modes namely set mode, manual mode and auto mode. In set mode loads are switched according to the given timing set by the user, whereas in auto mode loads are switched at default timings and in manual mode loads are switched according to the user input through GSM or switches.
- Real Time Water Quality Measurement Using GSM: This project uses 8051 microcontroller to measure the water quality by acquiring the data from various sensors like turbidity, pH, conductivity, temperature and total dissolved solid sensors. All these sensor data is processed and transmitted to the remote mobile via GSM module.
- Brushless DC Motor Speed Control using Microcontroller: The main aim of this project is to provide effective and precise speed control of BLDC motor using hall position sensor and 8051 microcontroller unit. Microcontroller continuously supplies the PWM signals to the motor by comparing desired speed with actual speed sensed by hall sensor.
- Microcontroller Based Patient Medicine Reminder System: This project implements the patient medicine remainder system which gives an alarm with medicine name at the stipulated time. This project uses 8051 microcontroller along with RTC and EEPROM. First user has to save the details of all medicine names along with allotted time. Then the microcontroller gives an alarm and displays the medicine name on LCD when the particular time for medicine matches with RTC time.
- Microcontroller Based Temperature Indicator: This project illustrates the temperature measurement and indication system with temperature sensors and microcontroller unit. This project measures both centigrade and Fahrenheit temperature values with LM35 and LM45 sensors. Microcontroller process these sensors values and displays on seven-segment display.
- GSM Based LED Scrolling Message Display System: The purpose of this project is to build scrolling message display using set of LEDs which are switched in different manners in order to produce moving message. So the microcontroller is programmed to produce such outputs to switch the LEDs. This project also facilitates to update the display with new information from user mobile using GSM module.
- Microcontroller-based Ultrasonic Distance Meter: The objective of this project is to measure the distance without any contact with other end position. This project uses ultrasonic sensor to measure the distance depends on the reflection of echo. Microcontroller process the signals obtained from ultrasonic sensor and accordingly determine the distance.
- Fingerprint Based Attendance System Using Microcontroller: This project implements attendance system based on finger print authentication using microcontroller and LabVIEW software. 8051 microcontroller collects the attendance from fingerprint module and sends it to the LabVIEW where it is recorded in the data base.
- Gas Leakage Detection with Wireless Auto Power Trip : This project reduces the possibility of fire during gas leakage due to the electricity. Microcontroller based gas sensor unit detects the gas leakage and transfer the leakage information to alarming circuit as well as electricity tripping circuit using RF communication.
- 8051 Microcontroller Based Control Circuit for Dual Three Phase Controlled Rectifier: This work presents a thyristor based three phase dual converter using mixed mode digital-analog circuitry. This project uses 8051 microcontroller to produce the triggering signals for thyristors in order to perform phase angle control.
- Minimizing the Penalty in Industrial Sector by Engaging the Automatic Power Factor Correction : In this auto power factor correction equipment, microcontroller continuously measures the load power factor by detecting current and voltage zero crossing positions. According to the power factor measured, it connects the number of capacitors across the load depending on the value of power factor.
- An Intelligent Combat Robot using RF Technology: A prototype of combat robot is implemented in this project by RF communication technology for spying purpose in war fields. A wireless camera with night vision capability in the robot helps to perform remote surveillance operation. This robot movement is controlled by sending RF commands from the RF transmitter unit.
- Microcontroller Based Tachometer: A seven segment based digital tachometer is implemented in this project using photo transistor and microcontroller. Microcontroller measures the speed or revolutions per minute of a (RPM) by counting the number pulses given by the photo transistor from reflected light.
- Design and Simulation of Microcontroller Based Electronic Calendar : This project aims to design and simulate microcontroller based electronic calendar using Multisim software. The push buttons attached to this unit allows the user to select and set the day, time and year to this system. And the corresponding information of day and time is displayed on seven segment display.
- Fingerprint Based Bank Locker System using Microcontroller: A highly secured bank locker system is implemented in this project using fingerprint module and microcontroller unit. From the input of fingerprint module, microcontroller authenticates the person if the pattern matches with stored pattern and correspondingly drives the motor to in order to unlock the locker.
- Microcontroller Based Automatic Waste Segregator: This proposed system demonstrates the automatic waste segregation of waste based on the disposed level. This project uses microcontroller with sensors like metal detectors, proximity sensors, IR sensors, ultrasonic sensors, etc detect the type of waste thereby waste is sorted as metallic, dry and wet.
- Smart Driving Skill Evaluation System Using LabVIEW and Microcontroller: The main intention of this project is to automate the driving skills evaluation system without human intervention of checking the accuracy of the test. This project uses 8051 microcontroller as a data acquisition unit in order to check speed and path of the vehicle. LabVIEW software analyzes the data and produces the test results.
- Microcontroller Based Power Supply Unit: The idea of this project is to build microcontroller based power supply unit to supply the programmable voltage and current outputs. This unit automatically manages the primary source (mains) and secondary source (battery) to supply the power to the load without any interruption.
- Line Follower Robot using 8051 Microcontroller: This project aims to build a line follower robotic vehicle using LED/LDR sensors and microcontroller. It works on the principle of closed loop feedback algorithm that makes the robot to follow the white line on black surface or black line on white surface.
- Microcontroller Based Electronic Voting Machine: This project is intended to illustrate the working of electronic voting system using 8051 microcontroller. This project consists of set of switches for allowing the user to vote for particular candidate. Microcontroller acquires this data and stores in EEPROM. Further this data can be processed and analyzed by interfacing it to the PC.
- Missile Detection and Automatic Destroy System: This project gives the prototype model of missile detection and destroying system for war field applications to detect target and turning the fire launcher. This project uses the ultrasonic transmitter and receiver for detecting the targets. 8051 microcontroller is used as a central processing unit along with Zigbee communication module.
- LCD Based Dual Message Display using 8051 Microcontroller: The main aim of this project is to give a message display based on sound given by the user through microphone. In this project, various messages stored in 8051 microcontroller are displayed on LCD display appropriate to the command or voice given by the user.
- Text Editor on LCD using At89c51 Microcontroller and PC: This project is intended to describe the LCD interfacing with 8051 microcontroller and to enable text editing on LCD through PC. This project is useful for implementing display systems in railway stations, government offices, shopping malls and other text display applications.
- Microcontroller Based Lamp Life Extender by ZVS: This project aims to enhance the life of electrical loads such as lamps, fans, and other home appliances by switching them at zero voltage crossing position. In this, TRIAC is used as switching device for the load which is trigged only after zero crossing position of voltage so that high currents through the load are diminished.
- Digital Security Code Lock using 8051 Microcontroller: This project develops the digital lock based access control system for allowing the authorized person to access restricted divisions. The keypad attached with the microcontroller unit allows the user to enter passwords for unlocking. If the password matches with stored password, microcontroller gives the display of authorization, if not it turns the alarm.
- Microcontroller Based Stepper Motor Drive for Elevator Control: The objective of this project is to implement a unipolar stepper motor drive for controlling the elevator movements. Set of switches are connected to the microcontroller which resembles the floor accessing switches. Depends on the switch pressed and floor sensors input, microcontroller operates the stepper motor and correspondingly displays the information on LCD.
- Biometric Pulse Counting System using Microcontroller 8051: This project measures the heartbeat of a person by reading blood flow through the fingers. In this, microcontroller based pulse counter is designed using IR sensors in order to find the number of pulses in a minute. Microcontroller counts the number of input signals from the IR sensor and correspondingly displays the heart rate.
- Design and Development of Ultrasound Based Wheelchair: In this project a self controlled wheelchair is implemented using ultrasonic sensors and microcontroller. In this, the motion of the wheelchair is controlled automatically by detecting the obstacles on the path using ultrasound sensors.
- Interfacing RFID with 8051 Microcontroller (AT89C51) using Serial Interrupt: An RFID interfacing with 8051 microcontroller is illustrated in this project which will be useful for developing security applications related circuits. The RFID tag authentication through microcontroller and displaying of authentication on LCD are performed in this implementation.
- Interfacing GSM Module with 8051 Microcontroller without using PC: This project aims to interface the GSM module to 8051 microcontroller without using PC in order to send the AT commands. In this, microcontroller itself sends the AT commands to GSM module without using Hyper Terminal. LCD display attached with the microcontroller displays the received information from the GSM module.
- Interfacing Three Input Channel ADC0808 to 8051 Microcontrollers: This project is intended to describe the process of interfacing analog to digital converter (ADC) to 8051 microcontroller. By this set up, various analog parameter values like temperature, pressure, water level, etc are continuously monitored by the microcontroller.
- Stepper Motor Control Using 89c51 Microcontroller: The aim of this project is to demonstrate the controlling of stepper motor using 8051 microcontroller. Push button is attached to the microcontroller to vary the step-angle of the motor.
- Interactive Irrigation System through Mobile with IVR Response: This project allows the farmers to controls their water pumps based on IVR response from the control unit. Once the farmer calls to the GSM module at field control side, appropriate key pressing with IVR response switches the motor pump. It also facilitates the farmer to check the status of the motor upon a key pressing.
- Integral Cycle Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor using At89c51 Microcontroller: The objective of this project is to control the speed of single phase induction motor by implementing integral cycle AC control technique. Microcontroller is used in this project to produce triggering pulses for traic in order to generate ON/OFF power cycles to motor.
- Object Counter using 8051 Microcontroller: The aim of this project is to build a visitor or object counter using LED/LDR and 8051 microcontroller. This sensor combination detects the person or objects and correspondingly gives the signal to microcontroller. Microcontroller continuously counts the signals obtained from the sensor and appropriately updates the display.
- Microcontroller Based Remote Control of Home Appliances: In this, IR transmitter and IR receiver combination achieves the remote operation of home appliances using 8051 microcontroller. IR receives connected to the microcontroller unit receives the control commands from the transmitter. Depends on the received signal, microcontroller operates the relay driver so that particular load will be switched as desired.
- Alphabetical Keypad using At89c51 Microcontroller: The main intention of this project is to illustrate the displaying of English alphabet on LCD by interfacing alpha keyboard to the microcontroller. This will be useful in implementing circuits like display systems, security based circuits (passwords access), cell phones, etc.
- RFID Based Library Management System: This project replaces the bar code system in libraries by introducing RFID card system. Microcontroller along with RFID reader reads the book information at entrance and exit doors of the library, thus avoids the stealing of books.
- Four Quadrant DC Motor Speed Control with Microcontroller: This project implements a four quadrant speed control unit for a DC motor by implementing DC chopper circuit fed by 8051 microcontroller. The microcontroller generates the necessary PWM signals for the chopper in order to operate motor in clockwise, anti clockwise, forward braking and reverse braking modes.
- Fire Fighting Robot using 8051 Microcontroller: In this work a prototype of fire fighting robot is designed and implemented with capabilities automatic fire detection and extinguish using 8051 microcontroller. A set of flame sensor equipped with robot continuously monitors the fire accidents. 8051 microcontroller acquires and processes the data from sensors and accordingly operates the water pump attached with robot, once the fire is detected. Further, this information is conveyed to the emergency services using GSM modem.
- Digital Integrated Circuit Tester using 8051 Microcontroller: This project implements the digital integrated tester for 7400 series ICs to check the IC number and its condition of working. In this, IC pin socket, LCD display and matrix keyboard are interfaced to the microcontroller. Once the IC is inserted into the slot, this system asks the user to enter the IC number through keypad. If the detail of the IC is matched with preprogrammed data, microcontroller displays Good on LCD otherwise Bad.
- DTMF Based Load Control System using Microcontroller: This system uses DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) technology to control the loads in homes, offices, and industries. Microcontroller with mobile phone at load control side receives the DTMF tones from the remote mobile to operate the corresponding load as desired by the user.
- Distance Measurement using Infrared Sensor with ADC0804 & 8051 Microcontroller: This project achieves the distance measurement using IR sensor which will be useful application in robotics, industrial object sensing and obstacle detection systems. IR receiver output voltage varies with distance of the object; therefore this voltage from ADC is converted into appropriate distance by microcontroller.
- Electronic Dice using 8051 Microcontroller: This project describes the implementation of dice operation using microcontroller with simple circuit construction and coding. A set of push buttons are connected to the microcontroller which allows the user to play the dice. Once the switch remains pressed, it generates the random number and if it is released it displays the new random number on the LCD.
- Digital Clock Circuit using 8051 and DS12C887: In this work, a real-time clock is implemented to display the time in 24 hours mode using 8051 microcontroller and RTC chip. This type of circuit is useful for displaying time and date in homes, railways, bus stands, cars, etc. In this circuit, LCD is interfaced with the microcontroller to display the time.
- Speed Control of Induction Motor by Cycloconverter with Thyristors: The main aim of this project is to implement a cycloconverter technique to vary the speed of induction motor. Three ranges of speed control F, F/2 and F/3 are achieved in this project by selectively delivering the pulses from microcontroller to thyristor firing circuit.
- Metal Detector Robotic Vehicle: In this, a metal detector robot is designed and implemented using 8051 microcontroller and RF communication module. This will be useful in applications like land mines detection and weapons detection in airports, shopping malls, etc. Metal detector sensor continuously monitors the metallic parts on its path and appropriately sends the signals to the microcontroller. This robot is controlled remotely through RF transmitter module.
- Clap Counter using 8051 Microcontroller: This project implements a simple 8051 based clap counter using microphone. This will be useful for sound detecting applications. Microphone attached with the microcontroller detects the sound and the counter will automatically updated for number of claps which will be further displayed in LCD.
- Beacon Flasher using Microcontroller and PWM Fed MOSFET: In this project, beacon light flashing circuit is implemented by using 8051 microcontroller for the warning and alert signal applications. In this design, microcontroller is programmed to produce the PWM pulses in order for driving MOSFET.
- Celsius and Fahrenheit Scale Digital Thermometer using 8051 Microcontroller: This project aims to measure and indicate the temperature using thermometer and 8051 microcontroller. The Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion formula is programmed in microcontroller and therefore thermometer sensed Celsius temperature is converted into Fahrenheit temperature which will be further displayed on LCD.
- Patient Monitoring System to Remote Doctors using GSM And Zigbee: In this project, 8051 microcontroller along with Zigbee and GSM communication modules enables the doctors to remotely monitor the patientÂ’s health status. Various sensors like ECG, temperature and heartbeat sensor acquire the patient health parameters and send the relevant data to the microcontroller unit. From the microcontroller, this data is transferred to the remote location via Zigbee and GSM modules.
- Microcontroller Based Control of Three Phase Induction Motor using PWM Technique: This project achieves the stator frequency control method of varying the speed of three phase induction motor using 8051 microcontroller. Microcontroller is programmed in such a way that it produces PWM signals to the driver unit. An inductive magnetic sensor is connected to the microcontroller which gives the speed of the motor as a feedback signal.
- Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources: Solar, Mains, Generator & Inverter: This system demonstrates the power supply management from 4 different sources such as solar, generator, mains and inverter in order to supply the power to load without any interruption. Depends on the availability of power suitable to the load, microcontroller unit switches the particular source to a load.
- Implementation of Microcontroller Based Propeller Clock: This is a special type of circular display of clock implemented using 8051 microcontroller. IR LEDs assembled on the base of rotating object displays the time in circular fashion guided by microcontroller.
- Low Cost LCD Frequency Meter using 8051 Microcontroller: In this a low cost frequency meter is implemented by measuring the number of cycles per second for a given signal. To achieve this, microcontroller timers are programmed as counter to count the number of cycles. The counter value is displayed on the LCD as frequency.
- Microcontroller Based Anti-theft Security System using GSM Networks with Text Message as Feedback: This project implements an embedded system design for anti-theft security for vehicles. It automatically disconnects the ignition system for the vehicles once it receives (DTMF) signals from authorized mobile. Further, it sends the SMS as feedback to the owner once it locks the engine. This project uses 8051 microcontroller, GSM modem, DTMF decoder, alarm, sensors and actuators as main components.
- Microcontroller Based Secure Pin Entry Method for ATM: This project describes the secured ATM transaction with one time random number generating method. Whenever user inserts the RFID card, microcontroller generates the random code and sends it to the user mobile via GSM mobile. Upon entering the receiving code, microcontroller authenticates the person and allows him/her to continue with transaction. If the code entered doesnÂ’t match with generated one, it gives an alarm.
- Password Based Circuit Breaker: In this, electronic controlled circuit breaker is implemented using microcontroller with password authentication. Keypad attached with the microcontroller allows the user to enter appropriate password to switch the load. The status of authentication and load information will be displayed on LCD display.
- GLCD-Touchpad Based Restaurant Ordering & Automatic Serving System: This is an intelligent method of ordering system implemented for restaurants using GLCD and RF communication technology. Microcontroller with GLCD menu unit at customer side gives the ordered items to the counter side microcontroller based unit via RF communication network. This ultimately saves the waiting time at the restaurants.
- Microcontroller Based Anesthesia Injector: This project implements an automatic anesthesia injecting machine using microcontroller. In this, microcontroller unit along with keypad and syringe infusion pump injects the anesthesia in terms of millimeter per hour as per the set timings and dose entered through keypad.
- Microcontroller Based Stout Robot with Automatic Crack Detection in Railways: In this project, a prototype model of robotic vehicle is implemented to detect the cracks on railway tracks using microcontroller. This project consists of LED/LDR sensors assembly, microcontroller, DC motors, GPS and GSM modules. Upon detecting the cracks, this robot conveys the exact location of the crack information to remote mobile using GSM module.
- Displaying Custom Animation on LCD (8-Bit Mode) using 8051 Microcontroller: This project aims to interface LCD to 8051 microcontroller and also displaying custom animations on it for effective user display. By properly programming the microcontroller, animated objects are displayed on the LCD.
- Speed Synchronization of Multiple BLDC Motors using Microcontroller: The main objective of this project is to synchronize the speed of various BLDC motors to achieve constant driving mechanism for the load. In this, RF communication module with 8051 microcontroller on different motors automatically adjusts its speed if speed of one motor is changed.
- Microcontroller Based Solar Charging Circuit: This project is achieved with the features of parallel regulation, built-in digital voltmeter, over and deep discharge protection, automatic dusk to dawn operation of the load, etc. This unit helps to charge the battery with energy acquired by the solar panel.
- Smart Host Microcontroller Based Solar Powered Tool with Robotic Arm: In this project, robotic arm is controlled with 8051 microcontroller to perform pick and place operation with Zigbee wireless remote control module. This circuit is powered by solar panel with sun tracking arrangement. Therefore, a smart energy management based robotic arm is achieved.
- Water Level Controller using 8051 Microcontroller: This project aims to build a low cost water level controller using 8051 microcontroller. A set of sensors detects the level of the water in overhead tank and correspondingly gives the signal to the microcontroller. According to the measured level, microcontroller switches the pump.
- Design and Implementation of Microcontroller Based Burglar Alarm : This project detects the intruders using LED/LDR sensor and microcontroller unit. Upon receiving the signal from the sensor, microcontroller unit turns the burglary alarm system.
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- Electrical And Electronics Schematic Symbols
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4 Responses
we are working on under ground cable fault detector using 8051 can u please send us the code
dear p;lz briefly discuss the apparatus and coding and connection of exchanging messages via blutooth using 8051 microcontroller plz …….tommorrow to presenrt
Please go through this project it may be useful for u…https://www.electronicshub.org/bluetooth-controlled-electronic-home-appliances/
micro-controller based heart rate meter project
i want this project price