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The most commonly used and widespread method of detecting the magnetic field is the Hall-effect method among the various sensing technologies. Based on the Hall-effect,

In general, magnetostatic fields are produced by the motion of electric charges with uniform velocity whereas electrostatic fields are produced by the stationary charges. On

In contrast to the electrostatics, which deals with static electric charges (also called Coulombian approach), magneto statics deals with stationary electric currents (also called Amperian

A branch of physics deals with electric current or fields and magnetic fields and their interaction on substance or matter is called Electromagnetism. Electromagnetism has

In this 21st century, MEMS technology has been showing its potential to revolutionize consumer as well as the industrial products by combining silicon based microelectronics

According to Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic fields are produced or created by the time varying sources such as currents and charges. If these fields are produced

Waves are omnipresent in nature that transfers the energy or information from source to destination. The wave is a function of both space and time.

The electromagnetism is a branch of physics that deals with electric and magnetic fields and their interaction with substance or matter on a microscopic level.

Actuators convert a given kind of energy into mechanical energy. There are different classes of actuators depending on the physical principle on which the energy