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How To Show Hidden Files And Folders On Windows?

Have you ever wondered what’s hiding on your Windows computer? There might be files and folders that are intentionally concealed, holding important information or settings. This blog post will show you how to unveil these hidden treasures. We’ll provide a clear and easy-to-follow guide, so even if you’re new to computers, you can uncover these hidden elements. Let’s explore the hidden corners of your Windows PC together.

Why Windows Hidden Some Files Or Folders From Users?

Windows hides certain files and folders to protect the operating system. These files often contain important data that keeps the system running smoothly. If accidentally modified or deleted, they could cause serious problems for your computer, such as malfunctions or crashes.

System files, including operating system components, configuration settings, and drivers, are hidden to prevent unintentional changes. These files are not typically needed for day-to-day use, and altering them could lead to performance issues or even system failure.

Another reason Windows hides files is to reduce clutter. There are many files that are not necessary for the average user to see, such as application data, cache files, or temporary files. Keeping these files hidden allows users to navigate their system without being overwhelmed by unnecessary information.

In some cases, Windows also hides files to enhance security. For instance, certain system directories or configuration settings might be hidden to protect sensitive data or to prevent malware from easily accessing or changing these files.

However, there are instances where it’s necessary to view hidden files or folders, such as during troubleshooting, cleaning up space, or making advanced system configurations. In these cases, knowing how to reveal hidden files can be essential.

How To Show Hidden Files And Folders On Windows?

Sometimes, you may need access to files or folders that are hidden by Windows. Fortunately, there are several ways to reveal them, depending on the version of Windows you’re using. The process typically involves adjusting settings in File Explorer or the system’s Folder Options.

View Hidden Files On Windows Through File Explorer

One of the easiest ways to view hidden files on your computer is through File Explorer. Both Windows 11 and Windows 10 allow you to unhide files and folders by changing the settings directly within the File Explorer window. The process is slightly different for each version, so we’ll cover both methods below.

On Windows 11

  • Open File Explorer by clicking on the folder icon in the taskbar or pressing Windows + E.
  • Click on the “View” menu at the top of the window.
  • In the dropdown, select “Show.”

select Show-view hidden files windows

  • From the options, check the “Hidden” items box. Once checked, all hidden files and folders in the current directory will become visible.

Hidden items-windows view hidden files

You can now browse through the folders and see the hidden files marked with a slightly transparent icon.

Browse Hidden Files And Folders-view hidden files in windows 10

On Windows 10

  • Launch File Explorer by clicking the folder icon in the taskbar or using Windows + E.
  • In the File Explorer window, click the “View” tab located at the top.
  • Under the Show/Hide section, find and check the box for “Hidden items.”

click View tab-unhide files windows

Hidden files and folders will now be visible, displayed with a faded appearance to differentiate them from standard items.

View Hidden Files On Windows Through File Explorer Options

Another method to reveal hidden files on Windows is by using the File Explorer Options (previously known as Folder Options). This method allows you to access more advanced settings, providing greater control over how files and folders are displayed. Let’s go over the steps for both Windows 11 and Windows 10.

On Windows 11

  • Open File Explorer by clicking the folder icon on the taskbar or pressing Windows + E.
  • Click on the “three dots” (ellipsis) in the top-right corner of the File Explorer window.
  • From the dropdown menu, select “Options.” This will open the File Explorer Options window.

select Options-show hidden files in windows 10

  • In the “View” tab, scroll down to the Advanced settings section.
  • Under the “Hidden files and folders” category, select “Show hidden files, folders, and drives.”

Show hidden files, folders, and drives-windows view hidden files

  • Click “Apply”, then “OK” to save the changes.
  • Now, hidden files and folders will be visible throughout File Explorer.

On Windows 10

  • Open File Explorer by clicking the folder icon in the taskbar or pressing Windows + E.
  • Click on the View tab at the top of the File Explorer window.
  • On the far right of the ribbon, click on “Options.” This will open the Folder Options window.

click on Options-show hidden files in windows 10

  • In the “View” tab, locate the “Hidden files and folders” section.
  • Select “Show hidden files, folders, and drives.”

Select Show hidden files, folders, and drives-view hidden files windows

  • Click Apply, then OK to confirm and exit the window.
  • Hidden files and folders will now be visible in File Explorer.

How To Show Hidden Files And Folders On Windows 7?

Though Windows 7 has a different interface from more recent versions, showing hidden files and folders is still a simple process. The settings can be accessed through Folder Options, just like in later versions of Windows. Follow these steps to reveal hidden items on your Windows 7 system.

  • Open the “Start” menu by clicking the Windows icon on the bottom left corner of your screen.
  • In the search box, type “Folder Options” and press Enter. You can also access Folder Options through the “Control Panel” by selecting “Appearance and Personalization” and then “Folder Options.”
  • Once the Folder Options window opens, go to the “View” tab.
  • Under the Advanced settings section, scroll down to find the “Hidden files and folders” section.
  • Select the radio button for “Show hidden files, folders, and drives.”

How To Show Hidden Files And Folders On Windows 7

  • Click Apply, and then OK to save the changes.
  • Hidden files and folders will now appear in File Explorer, with their icons slightly transparent to differentiate them from visible items.

How To Unhide Protected System Files On Windows?

There are generally two types of hidden files and folders in Windows: regular hidden files and protected system files. While regular hidden files can be made visible through simple settings in File Explorer, protected system files require extra steps to unhide. These system files are hidden to safeguard the operating system from accidental changes or deletions, which could lead to major problems.

Unhiding protected system files should be done cautiously, as they are essential for the normal functioning of your Windows system. Only proceed if you need to access these files for troubleshooting or advanced configurations. Let’s walk through how to unhide these files on both Windows 11 and Windows 10.

  • Open File Explorer by clicking the folder icon in the taskbar or pressing Windows + E.
  • Click on the three dots (Windows 11) or the View tab (Windows 10) at the top of the window.
  • Select “Options” or “Folder Options” to open the File Explorer Options window.
  • Go to the “View” tab.
  • In the Advanced settings section, uncheck the box labeled “Hide protected operating system files (Recommended).”

Hide protected operating system files-windows hidden

  • A warning message will appear, explaining the risks of unhiding system files. If you understand the risks, click Yes to proceed.
  • Click “Apply,” then “OK” to save your changes.

click Yes-unhide files windows-view hidden files in windows 10

Once you’ve followed these steps, protected system files will become visible. They are often marked with a slightly faded appearance to distinguish them from other files.

It’s important to be careful when working with these files. Making changes to protected system files could affect the performance or stability of your system, so only modify them if absolutely necessary.


What are hidden files and folders in Windows?

Hidden files and folders are system or user files that are not displayed by default in Windows File Explorer. This is often done to prevent accidental deletion or modification of important files.

Why would I need to view hidden files and folders?

You may need to view hidden files to troubleshoot system issues, modify application settings, or access files that are deliberately concealed to protect sensitive data.

What happens if I accidentally modify or delete hidden files on Windows?

Modifying or deleting hidden files, especially system-protected ones, can result in software malfunction, data loss, or even cause your system to become unstable or fail to boot. Always exercise caution.

Can I hide files on external drives or USB drives?

Yes, you can hide files on external drives in the same way you do on your internal drives by changing the file’s attributes to hidden. However, the visibility of these files will depend on the settings of the computer you connect the drive to.

How do I know if a file is hidden on Windows?

A hidden file can be identified by enabling the “Hidden items” option in File Explorer. Once enabled, hidden files will appear semi-transparent or grayed out compared to regular files.

Can I make hidden files read-only?

Yes, you can make hidden files read-only by, Right-clicking the file, selecting Properties, and checking the Read-only attribute under the General tab. This will prevent accidental modifications while keeping the file hidden.


In this blog post, we’ve explored how to reveal hidden files and folders on Windows. By understanding the different methods and their implications, you can effectively navigate your system and access files that may otherwise be concealed. Remember to use these methods responsibly and be aware of the potential consequences of modifying hidden system files. Did you find this blog helpful? Let us know in the comments below.

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