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How To Powerwash (Reset) A Chromebook?

Is your Chromebook running slow, sluggish, or acting strangely? A Powerwash, which is essentially a factory reset, can wipe your Chromebook clean and restore it to its original state. This can be a great troubleshooting step for various Chromebook issues. But before you proceed, be aware that a Powerwash erases all local data on your device.  This guide will walk you through the steps on how to Powerwash your Chromebook,  helping you decide which method is best for your situation.Chromebook

Things To Do Before Powerwash Your Chromebook

Prior to powerwashing your Chromebook, it’s crucial to take necessary precautions to safeguard your data and ensure accessibility. Powerwashing entails wiping all data from the local hard drive, including files in the download folder, and logging you out of all Google and other accounts, resetting settings to default.

To avoid data loss, back up your files to Google Drive or an external hard drive. Additionally, securely store your login details and other essential information from those accounts. This ensures you can easily retrieve them post-powerwashing, facilitating data restoration once the process is complete.

Note: If you’re using a Chromebook for work or school, you might not be able to reset it yourself. In that case, reach out to your administrator. They can help you erase the data and set up the device again on your work or school network.

How To Powerwash A Chromebook?

Resetting your Chromebook with Powerwash is easy and gives it a fresh start. You can do it from either the Chrome Settings or the Login Screen. Just follow these instructions to make your Chromebook run better.

Powerwash Chromebook Through Chrome Settings

Using Chrome Settings to powerwash your Chromebook is a convenient way to reset the device to its factory settings. It provides a thorough wipe while maintaining easy access within the Chrome browser’s settings. Follow these steps to get started.

  • Open Google Chrome.
  • Click on the menu (three vertical dots) in the top right corner.
  • Select “Settings” from the menu.
  • Alternatively, you can open settings from the taskbar. Click on the Quick Settings menu located in the bottom right corner, indicated by the time and Wi-Fi icon, then select the gear icon to open Chrome settings.
  • In the settings menu, scroll down and click on “Advanced” on the left.

Advanced options1

  • Select “Reset settings” from the options.

Reset settings

  • Find the powerwash option on the screen.


  • Click “Reset” next to powerwash and then restart.


  • Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your Chromebook after it restarts.

Powerwash Chromebook From the Login Screen

You can also perform a Powerwash on your Chromebook from the login screen to reset it. Here’s how:

  • Make sure you’re on the login screen.
  • Press and hold Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R. This opens a window called “Reset this Chrome device.”
  • Click on “Restart” in the window.
  • Choose “Powerwash” from the pop-up box, then click “Continue” to start the process.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to finish powerwashing your Chromebook and set up your Google account.
  • Remember, the account you use after powerwashing will become the owner account.
  • After resetting, follow the on-screen setup instructions to get your Chromebook ready to use again.

Powerwash Your Chromebook – FAQs

1. What happens to my Google Accounts during Powerwash?

Ans: All Google Accounts previously used on your Chromebook are removed during a Powerwash, along with associated settings. You can restore these accounts later by entering the respective usernames and passwords.

2. Can I undo a Powerwash and get my data back?

Ans: Unfortunately, a Powerwash erases data permanently from the local storage. Ensuring backups prior to the Powerwash is crucial as there’s no built-in way to recover data after the process is complete.

3. Can I Powerwash my Chromebook to remove malware?

Ans: Yes, Powerwashing is an effective method to remove most malware. It resets your Chromebook to its default state, eliminating any unwanted software. However, be sure to back up essential data before proceeding.

4. How long does it take to Powerwash a Chromebook?

Ans: The time it takes to Powerwash a Chromebook can vary depending on the device’s specifications and the amount of data stored on it. Generally, it takes a few minutes to complete the process.


Powerwashing your Chromebook is a great way to troubleshoot performance issues, remove unwanted files, or prepare it for a new user. By following the steps above, you can easily reset your Chromebook to its factory settings and start fresh. Just remember to back up your important files beforehand, as Powerwashing will erase all data from your device.  After the reset process, you can sign back in with your Google account and set up your Chromebook as usual.

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