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Which Browsers Support Flash?

Flash is a software program from Adobe that shows multimedia content on websites. Flash comes as a plug-in for web browsers. Once you enable it on your web browser, you can see the multimedia content that requires Flash Player to run them. There are many web apps and web games that are built on Flash and they require Flash Player on the web browser to run successfully.

Even though Flash is currently being replaced by HTML5, there are certain web pages and web apps that need Flash. However, Adobe has stopped supporting Flash Player and started to block web content from running in Flash. That is why there are many web browsers that do not run Flash by default. In fact, they have blocked Flash by default due to security issues.

Which Browsers Support Flash?

Most of the popular web browsers do not support Adobe Flash Player. However, there are some web browsers that still support Flash. The web browsers that support Flash are Opera, Dolphin, Kiwi, FlashFox, and Puffin.

On the contrary, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari do NOT support Flash. They have blocked Flash plug-in by default. However, if you want, you can manually enable Flash plug-in for these web browsers.

How to Run Flash in Microsoft Edge?

Step 1: Launch Microsoft Edge and open any website that requires Flash to run properly.

Step 2: Click on the “i” icon located on the address bar on the left side of the website address.

Step 3: From the drop-down menu, click on Allow Adobe Flash option under Website Permissions.

Step 4: Thereafter, under Website Permissions, turn on Adobe Flash using the slider. This will enable Flash in Microsoft Edge.

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How to Run Flash in Microsoft Internet Explorer?

Step 1: Open Microsoft Internet Explorer on your computer. Visit a website where Flash is required.

Step 2: Click on Settings “Gear” icon located in the upper-right corner.

Step 3: From the drop-down menu, click on Manage Add-ons option.

Step 4: When Manage Add-ons window opens, select Shockwave Flash Player and click on Enable button.

Step 5: Close the window and reload the website and this will enable Flash on IE.

How to Run Flash in Mozilla Firefox?

Step 1: Open Mozilla Firefox on your computer and open any website that needs Flash Player.

Step 2: Click on New Add-on icon that is located next to the address bar.

Step 3: From the menu, turn on Remember This Decision option.

Step 4: Thereafter, click on Allow button. This will enable Flash in Mozilla Firefox.

How to Run Flash in Google Chrome?

Step 1: Open Google Chrome on your computer and visit any websites where Flash is a necessity.

Step 2: Click on “i” icon by the left side of the website address. If the “i” icon is not present, click on the Lock icon.

Step 3: From the drop-down menu, click on Site Settings option.

Step 4: From the list of parameters, go to Flash and select Allow option.

Step 5: Close Settings window and refresh the website to enable Flash on Chrome.

How to Run Flash in Apple Safari?

Step 1: Open Apple Safari web browser and visit a website that has Flash content.

Step 2: Click on Safari men I and select Preferences option.

Step 3: Go to Websites tab and then go to Plug-ins section.

Step 4: Turn on Adobe Flash Player option.

Step 5: On the right panel, change When Visiting Other Websites to On.

Step 6: Close the window and refresh the website to enable Flash on the web browser.

How To Uninstall Flash On My Computer?

There are security issues with Adobe Flash and that is why it has been discontinued in all popular web browsers. If you want to uninstall Flash on your computer so that no one can enable it on any web browser, there are the steps to follow.

Step 1: You need to download the Uninstaller from Adobe.

Step 2: Close all the browsers on your computer and all the applications that runs on Flash.

Step 3: Run the downloaded Uninstaller application.

Step 4: Press Windows + R and when you see Run dialog box, type the following.


Step 5: When the folder opens, delete all the files inside the folder.

Step 6: Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 for the following paths.


“%appdata%/Adobe/Flash Player”

“%appdata%/Macromedia/Flash Player”

Step 7: Finally, restart your computer and Flash will get uninstalled.


Adobe Flash Player used to be an integral part of websites few years back. Even though technology has moved on from Flash to HTML5, there are some websites that still need Flash to run properly. That is why you need to know how to enable Flash on your web browser. We have stated all the detailed steps to enable Flash in all the popular web browsers that does not have Flash enabled by default.

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