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Whether it’s been dropped in a pool or the software’s glitching out, a broken smartphone is a nightmare come true for the one in two

  With a record 36 billion tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced globally in 2021, the world has no choice but to take action

  You always hurt the ones you love: your phone (dropped in the toilet), the TV remote (trod on in a dash to receive a

According to a recent study by DotNek, smartphone users around the world collectively download 250 million apps per day on average. While app usage is

You never quite know – truly, deeply know – a desirable new electronic product until it’s in your hands. The best you can do is

We’re a planet addicted to our screens. It’s not a new problem — worry about how much television time we clock up has been around

Heard of Roko’s Basilisk? The ultra-intelligent nightmare computer (OF THE FUTURE) that decides to kill all the humans that didn’t help bring it into existence?

“I’m going to destroy Android, because it’s a stolen product. I’m willing to go thermonuclear war on this.” — Steve Jobs Steve Jobs preferred the